Author Topic: "a funny thing happened while my breasts were getting bigger..."  (Read 15799 times)

Offline Teflon

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As my breasts have continued to grow larger and more prominent I have yet to feel any shame over them, but I have begun to notice more and more guys who also have this condition. Practically every time I leave the house I notice someone else... "afflicted". I wonder if there are more men developing breast tissue these days due to environmental estrogens (or whatever), or, have they always been there in plain sight but I just never noticed because I wasn't looking. Either way, I'm sure growing breasts myself has caused me to notice the same in others, heightened my awareness.

I guess my point is, I don't feel like a freak. I like my breasts.
Manboobs are neither rare NOR unsightly. They are what they are.

Offline Stratos

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       Once you see something in yourself about which you're self-conscious, it's only natural to observe it moreso in others. I would agree: Gynecomastia is more comman than many think until they really consider it, and then they see many men with varying forms of it.

Offline angel_allen

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couldnt agree more, teflon. i too love my titties (38B, BMI 24) so does my g/f.
The only people who seem to have any problems are other people & I couldnt give a darn about them! ;D

Offline Res6462

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I don't like the terms manboobs or bitch breasts or man titties.I kinda made that clear to my GF and pointed out that they are breasts,my breasts though.Or,my girls.Anyway it took some convincing on my part to show the GF how much I'd grown.I had to get her to stand on the bed behind me and look straight down from my point of view.Her appreciation for what I have has taken off since then....about a week and a half ago.I say I have NO complaints!!!!


Offline Res6462

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You're right!!  The "boys" do hang out in a different part of town.The nickname I picked up years ago for my penis is "Spike".I stole that name from a movie called "One Of The Boys".Some 5 or 6 year old referred to his by that name.I thought that was hilarious and have used it ever since.As for the boys,I also refer to them as Spike's "nutty buddies".



Offline katyre

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Hehe I noticed this as well when my breast were growing, so many guys much larger then me. No wonder nobody notices my breasts.

Offline Teflon

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Hehe I noticed this as well when my breast were growing, so many guys much larger then me. No wonder nobody notices my breasts.


Offline realist85

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I'm a pretty rigorous observer, and I haven't seen that many people with my level of gyne. Also, I've almost never seen my level of gyne at the beach or pool or diving unless the dude is really fat. Many guys have it, but there are degrees.

Offline Teflon

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I'm a pretty rigorous observer, and I haven't seen that many people with my level of gyne. Also, I've almost never seen my level of gyne at the beach or pool or diving unless the dude is really fat. Many guys have it, but there are degrees.

I don't disagree.
My original point I believe was simply that if you habituate your eye to looking for it, you'll find it's there everywhere you look. If there is any solace in that. But certainly yes, there are degrees and then there are degrees.

Offline funkytown69

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I dont think I can agree.  I have grown up in south florida as part of a very fit family and I am the only fat one :(.  Most of the people where I live are extremely fit and look perfect.  Feels like I am the only one with this breast problem.

Offline Teflon

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I dont think I can agree.  I have grown up in south florida as part of a very fit family and I am the only fat one :(.  Most of the people where I live are extremely fit and look perfect.  Feels like I am the only one with this breast problem.

Maybe when you are looking through "breast problem" eyes that's how the world looks to you.
If you accept it as a condition of life though (note that you are in the acceptence section here, not the problem section) then your eyes are open to the fact that many men besides you exhibit some degree of gyne, more than you might imagine.


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Funny that ... I felt f*cked when I first discovered that I got breasts ... but because ive tried hiding them etc, now ive realised theirs plenty of mates and stuff that have gyno, even if its a minor case just by looking at the way they haunch their back and various other things ...

Still not stopping me from getting surgery soon tho! lol

Offline turningacorner

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alot of you are saying that your breasts are still growing?!

Mine have been the same for many years now, confuses me because surely it's easier to accept something that does'nt change rather than something that getting worse? Yet I can't accept mine at all! and some of you can.

are'nt you worried that your gynecomastia's getting worse?
Sounds really medical to me, your testicles could be damaged or something.

Offline angel_allen

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alot of you are saying that your breasts are still growing?!

Mine have been the same for many years now, confuses me because surely it's easier to accept something that does'nt change rather than something that getting worse? Yet I can't accept mine at all! and some of you can.

are'nt you worried that your gynecomastia's getting worse?
Sounds really medical to me, your testicles could be damaged or something.

Of course we aint worried1 We LOVE our boobies! they are aprt of our bodies its not like its a cancer or something its perfectly natural!
Lighten up man!


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Thats the thing though ... Its not perfectly natural. If it was natural it wouldn't of been called 'Gynecomastia' ...

Its a male PROBLEM. Nuff' respect to the guys that can live with it, but the majority like me want it rectified because its causing hell on our lives.


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