Author Topic: Just wanna say ta! A funny thing happened today.  (Read 3256 times)

Offline megocorp

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Hi, my first post, so hello all.
Got back from the ozzy this morning after a consultation.
Been given a date of the 11th of july to have my operation, this is on the NHS.
So far so good, my Gp told me no way will you be able to have it on the NHS but refered me anyway.
When the consultant said he would book me in, i asked in disbelief if it was going ahead, then just broke down.
Im 30 and this is just an unbeievable day, just to know that im going to get rid of this.
I went to the docs at 13 and nothing was done or mentioned, i have suffered for so long, going away on holiday and keeping t-shirts on you name it im sure its the same story.
Since returning with my date, i suppose i just wanted to say, thanks to all that post messages on this forum.
Really if it was not for all of you so many men will continue to carry on regardless.
Any way enough of the rambling.
Thanks for the knowledge and advice you have all given.

Offline John1984

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How in God's name did you get it on the NHS?  And so quick?

I thought laws had been tightened up on this.  I've been bugging my GP since the age of 16 and he's been trying to get the op for me, but to no avail.
I mean, yeah, it's a great thing for you and I'm very *happy* for you.  (As happy as someone can be who has just paid £4000 AND waited 4 months for the same op as you).
Anyway, congrats.  I'm just going to lie down in a darkened room.
Surgery performed on 29th March by Mr. Mark Gittos
Pre-Op Pictures:
Post-Op pictures coming as soon as I can work out how to use my camera

Offline megocorp

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Hi again, just to say i went to my gp and he refered me to the consultant at my local hospital, i had my consultation today and he gave me a date for the operation.
I take it people have problems getting this type of op on the NHS then?.
I thought people opted to go private as they got more after care/better service etc.
I take it i'm pretty lucky then.

Offline Chorlton

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Let people know more about where your having it done and the surgon who is doing it.  Maybe there is some one in your area who could benifit from the knowledge.

congrats and good luck


Offline John1984

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Yes you are very lucky.  If you told me that in the pub I'd have thrown my pint over you...  (in a nice way)

Offline brother_gyne

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Great news- I got my done NHS too. The problem I faced was that when I woke up I got the news they only had done one side. They wanted to see how it would balance out. I got the other half done later.  I got the feeling the consultant wanted to stall things as things were moving too fast for the NHS (three months GP to OP).

I got to meet the consultants assistant the morning before the op, if I had known I would have tried to make clear what I expected from them i.e both sides flat.  

Apart from that everything was brilliant- I am off to crete next month for some full on topless sunabathing.

Good Luck  

Offline Daytona_Dude

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I'm really chuffed for you Megocorp, I completely understand what relief you're feeling! I just got back from seeing an NHS surgeon this morning after being referred to him from my GP, and I've been told that I can have the surgery with him and a plastic surgeon within the next six months!

This was by no means a simple referral by my GP, trust me, I had to detail all of the obvious phsycological reasons, and the hugely distressing impact on every aspect of my life that having gyne does, in order for him to even consider me for surgery... :)

I will have to have the large gladular tissue or 'milk ducts'?? removed from under each nipple and then lipo to get rid of the waste fat that my four months of hard gym and cardio hasn't managed to shift.

Anyway, Good luck with your surgery , this is the beginning of some great new times ahead! :-)

Offline serg

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Good stuff there megacorp and Daytona. Hope it all goes well for you - be sure to keep us posted.



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