Author Topic: My neverending story of gyne.  (Read 11252 times)

Offline weareinittogether

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Hi, this is my story, never told or put on print before so here goes. I first noticed my nipples started to stick out when i was aged 11. I went to my mother for advice and she said "it's normal it's just hormones and will sort itself out soon plus my older brother had the same problem and his flattened out as he got older"
I took this on board and tried to ignore it but as you all know that isn't possible, i spent my teens growing up hating the way i looked, changing in the corner for gym with my back to everyone etc etc, i did however grow up with no one (as far as i know) knowing about my gyne mainly because i always made sure no one would ever see my nipples unless hard when they would then look fairly normal.
This meant at least i didn't have people laughing and poking fun at me but i had to live my life always thinking and planning ahead of every situation i will face that involves my chest being exposed.
I got to the age of 15 and still my nipples poked out but i started to have a bit of breast shape forming around them which started to poke them out even more, again made sure no one would ever see them living in the hope they would sort themselves out like my mother told me 4 years ago.
I was out one evening with a gang of friends and my girlfriend at the time ( no girl had ever seen, let alone touched my chest prior to this) and my girlfriend walked up to me kissed me and ran her hand up my bare chest to my nipple touched it and burst out laughing! this destroyed me, years of telling myself it was ok gone in a flash of cruelty, i'm glad to say it was the last time i ever saw her (my choice) anyway that was enough to shape my life and personality for the next 10 years, no matter what people said i was a freak!
I spent every sexual relationship after that making sure i would never have my chest touched unless hard nipples which meant having a 10 minute time period before my nipples would go soft and point out again so when i should be enjoying the moment i was counting down the time i had to put my shirt back on. This obviously meant it wasn't an enjoyable experience ever.
I got to the age of 18 and seeked advice from my mother, again was told they will sort themselves out and it's hormones (even though i had never seen or known anyone else in the world to have this at that point)
I waited until i was 21 to see if they would sort themselves out but no they had just grown as i had grown so now had a breast shape around them with large puffy nipples. It was now that my brother noticed for the first time (i had grown up hiding my gyne from everyone) that i had a problem, "Oh my god he's got breasts" was the line i will never forget this killed me inside as he didn't care about my feelings and would take every opportunity to tell people and openly mock me. Examples being eating dinner with the entire family and him starting the discussion should i buy a bra or not!
I hated him for that and probably always will, i then entered the world of thinking about taking a knife or scissors to my chest and cutting them out myself. When my mother found out about this she arranged for me to see my local doctor, this resulted in seeing the plastic surgeon who told me they can be operated on but not funded by the nhs.
A few weeks later i got his quote for 3000 pounds! i never expected it to be this much and knew we could never afford it, again this took a long time to accept that surgery wasn't an option and i had to live with it.
On the day of my 22nd birthday a letter came from the nhs saying i'm booked in for the operation in 6 months time and they will pay for it! as you can imagine the best birthday present you could ever wish for. Knowing my problem was going to go away i started to live my life again counting down the days til i could be normal (whatever that is anyway)
I had a consultation a few weeks before my op with a nurse who kept telling me she had never heard of this operation so didn't know about the procedure and after affects or results, (again made to feel like a freak)
Finally the day came i hadn't told anyone outside the family what i was going to have done, mainly because as far as i knew they didn't know there was a problem. The operation was done and i woke up with them all taped up no one to tell me what had been done or the results just a nurse telling me my mother is on the her way to collect me and to keep the bandages on for 2 weeks.
I went back to the hospital 2 weeks later to have the unveiling of my new normal looking chest, the surgeon and nurse began ripping the bandages off me and there it was, the perfectly flat normal chest i had always wished for in all it's glory, no brusing and only very small scars. The surgeon said there might be a bit of fluid build up but it will sort itself and goodbye with that he left, no advice on after care or compression vests, i just lay on the bed grinning from ear to ear, all my prayers had been answered this was the first day of the rest of my life, or so i thought...
That night i was so happy i rang all my friends to arrange a night out tonight to celebrate what had happened. They all arrived at my house and i told them for the first time what i had lived with since the age of 11 most of them shocked they hadn't noticed but all of them shocked that this can happen to males in the first place. So as the night went on i used every excuse to show off my new chest and talked about how different my life would be from now on, the best night of my life.
I woke up the next day looked down to see my nipples soft and starting to poke out again, i kept telling myself it's the fluid build up and it will sort itself out. As the days weeks and months went on i put on a few extra pounds but the weight went straight to my gut and chest leaving my arms and legs still extremely thin. I used this an excuse to myself that i hadn't gyne grow back it was just fat filling the holes left by the gyne, all the time knowing really that the gyne never really went away, at least now i didn't have the option to wear tight shirts as it would show off my beer gut to.
I'm now 25 and have the same depression and obsession with my chest as i did when growing up but this time my nipples are harder to get erect, go soft a lot quicker, feel bruised and tender with 2 half moon scars, but the worst thing is everyone thinks i had the problem sorted 2.5 years ago (only because for the last 2.5 years i haven't exposed my chest) so i feel i can never let anyone know about this due to the embaresment it will cause (except my very supporting mother) I finally went to the doctors who confirmed yes i do have gyne AGAIN and another operation may not be able to solve my lifelong agony and neverending nightmare. I'm trying desperately to accept myself for what i am and how i look but as you all know this isn't always possible, finding this site has really helped as i always thought i was alone in the world, lots more nightmare memories to share but this is already becoming a bit of an epic post, these are some recent pictures sorry i have none before the op as i would never have my chest photograghed ever until i found this site anyway. Opinions and advice would be very much welcome and appreciated, thanks for taking the time to read this far.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2007, 06:39:06 AM by weareinittogether »

Offline right on

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Yeah Im going through a similar situation. I dont think my surgeon lipoed nearly enough and now a month after surgery I'm still left with a fatty chest. What a let down huh?
Do you think you will have a second surgery? and if so, do you know if it costs around the same as the first or less? In my opinion it's my plastic surgeon who's at fault so I want a cheaper second surgery if possible.

Offline weareinittogether

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I'm in the process of seeing a plastic surgeon to see what they can do and hopefully as the nhs funded the first and it wasn't sucessful they should fund the 2nd, well thats what i hope anyway, i'l let you know what they say coz i've still got to wait a month just to see the plastic surgeon.

Offline Carlos

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Sad to hear that they failed you on this, I am convinced that your PS didnt really remove enough of the glandular tissue. You mention that already the next day your nipples started to poke out again and you can be assured that breast tissue can Not grow back in such short amount of time.

It seems that some ot the Plastic surgeons don't realise the importance of removing the glandular tissue.

It also seems that a decent amount of glandular tissue can be left behind and post op it will still give you a flat chest for some time (this is based on my own experiences).

Maybe the glandular tissue in itself somehow builds up fatty tissue, wich in turn produce more glandular tissue by conversion of testosterone into estrogen.

You say you are only 25 year old, you are young and Once you have been freed of your condition you will have the rest of your life to live free from it.

Right after my first session I asked my PS if he had removed all the glandular tissue but he answered that he had only used the liposuction device, however if the result was not satisfactory he would give me a second session free of charge were he would remove the glandular tissue with direct surgery. Well after session one I did indeed have a flat chest but i could feel the mass of glands still existed under my right nipple. And as you describe it my right nipple started in time to ocasionaly grow very puffy and also raise itself above the base level of my chest.

My left nipple has almost no gland tissue left after the first session of liposcution and I think if my right looked the same I would be satisfied. Anyway some days ago the PS removed the glandular mass on the right side with direct suregry and Im now hoping that ill get the same results as the left side.

1.) It seems very certain that the PS did not remove enough glandular tissue from you but rather removed fat to make a temporary flat chest. Since they started to puff out as early as day two after your session, this sound familiar to my experience with the right side of my chest.

2.) You need to steel yourself for another session. I live In sweden and dont know how healtcare works in the UK but the easieast is maybe to take it up with the Nhs and say that you need another session. Do Not give up on this!

3.) 3000 pound sounds like alot but believe me in the long run of your life it is nothing. 

4.) Next time be better prepared, maybe ask the Nhs for another doctor.

5.) Try do defeat your obesity. One thing that has helped Me alot in this is by going on a low carb diet, stopping the cardio training and instead do high intesity strenght training.

There is alot of research that suggest that hight intesity training is better for fatburning than low intsensity cardio training. I would advice you to check out this site for some novel ideas about this, ,

Alcohol is another factor if one is obese.

7.) It is a good thing that you are dealing with this now(and that you parents are helping you in this). I was to ashamed to ask my parents for help and at 35 year my past 10 years of life could have been better spent if I had dealt with this problem earlier.

Well that my 2 euro's on this. Take care.

Offline outertrial

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I would give up on the NHS if I were you and go and see a private surgeon you can talk to before in a consultation and actually choose. It seems like a lot of money but it isnt to get rid of your life destroying gyne. And in an era where banks will lend people 6 times their salaries to get a mortgate then Im sure you can get a loan for a few grand from somewhere.

Offline Carlos

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I would give up on the NHS if I were you and go and see a private surgeon you can talk to before in a consultation and actually choose. It seems like a lot of money but it isnt to get rid of your life destroying gyne. And in an era where banks will lend people 6 times their salaries to get a mortgate then Im sure you can get a loan for a few grand from somewhere.

Yes this sounds like the better thing to do. 3000 pounds is nothing in this context.

Offline unleash

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  • I wish.....damn Gyne
 :( I really feel sorry after reading your story.But your chest looks pretty good to me.Just work out more.
 The nipples start to constrict when they are pulled by the muscles underneath!! You still have chance...25 is not old..Its time u started a new life..
 If u need to go thru surgery again..why dont u do it in India...its very less there..
 Only 35000 INR (General Anaes)..thats just 415 pounds..
 maybe 1000 for airtravel..Thats it..
And believe me.. a month in India will change your attitude towards life..and gyne hehe ;)
 Hope u feel better!!
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Offline weareinittogether

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Thank you all so much for your kind words of advice, these have made me even more determined to sort this once and for all especially as the summer is coming and having to constantly see men with no shirts on really rubs it in and gets me down. I've been waiting 3 weeks now just to have an appointment made with the plastic surgeon, i did request a different ps to last time but at the moment the letter of referall from gp hasn't seem to of got anywhere and everyone i ring, (gp, nhs and plastic surgeon direct) keep telling me to ring the other person and vice versa! I'm going to look into private surgery now as it can be done quicker and better especially as i'm going to the states for a family holiday this year so 2 weeks of covering up whilst my two toned brothers walk around in just shorts showing me what i could look like.

Thanks again to you all. :)

Offline weareinittogether

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Consultation booked for may 16th, hopefully the end is near........

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Good luck with your Consult.

Awesome post... thanks for sharing!


Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline weareinittogether

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Hello all, i had the consultation yesterday and was given the option to have more fat and part of the gland removed but wouldn't leave it totally flat :-[ or they can completely remove the gland but that would leave a concave shape! i am going for the concave shape because at least i can start to dress in anything i want to wear, has anybody had surgery leaving them with concave nipples that can give me some advice or pictures?

Offline boobs-no-more

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Good story, thank you for sharing. I would too have concave done, but I havn't researched anything or seen any pictures, thats just going on gut-instinct!

Offline supernips

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I feel your pain brother.  At 40 yrs old, ive had 28 years of no pools, no shirtless beach, shirtless jogging, constant pulling on shirts, buying shirts I thought would work, but didnt.  Had my op and thought, finally,. .. then the rug pulled out from under me.  I've been let down to the tune of 4000 and still pull my shirts and wont take it off ever in front of people.  I have nips that any woman would be proud of.  I was thinking fluid, loose skin- oh it will all recede.  Well it never did and never will until i save another 4 or 5G.  I hate my surgeon alot for taking my money and promising a flat chest without using excision.  Hate is a strong word, but he took every cent of my savings for this.  now im flat broke with super nips

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Yeah that sux dude. You should have gotten it in writing that your gyne would be gone if Dr. Halpern was so sure of himself. IMO, he owes you a free revision my man... You should demand it!


Offline mattmando

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weare: how much difference did the first surgery make? like my first surgery was about 60% and i am hoping my second one will get the rest


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