Author Topic: There HAS to be a Natural way to loose gynecomastia.  (Read 23552 times)

Offline tttdone

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hey. i just had surgery about 3 weeks ago. I am planning on taking zinc, turmeric, and/or dim. Im going to do this becasue these are all nautural supplements, found in everday food, so i dont think it will be fairly safe to take. Also i think these are fairly inexpensive and can be picked up at a vitamen shop.
Surgery on 8/20/2008

Offline ellington7

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Let me be blunt with the prospects of being chastised by the rest of the members on this board...NO...there's no other way to cure this other than surgery, so when you've finally gotten over your fear and gathered up enough money, go get it done.

nuff said...

Offline Paa_Paw

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The problem with this line of thinking is that the toxin is indiscriminate. It would attack the skin and muscle as well as the tissue that you wanted to get rid of.

At least it shows that people are thinking in original terms. Original thought may produce an effective treatment at some future date, but probably not soon enough to help anyone who is now reading these pages.

I firmly believe that the most likely thing would be for shrinkage of breast tissue would occur as a side effect of a new drug for something else while the drug is in clinical trials. This is not just the wandering thoughts of an old man, There are many examples. For example, Rogain and viagra were drugs being tested for treatment of high blood pressure. Each of these drugs were found to have interesting (and useful) side effects which became their ultimate usage.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Copespo

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Well good luck, Im pretty sure your search is going to turn out that the only way to get rid of it is surgery but hey if u manager somehow to find another way then respect to you. Im pretty sure people who know MUCH MORE then anyone on this site have looked into the case of gyne and Im pretty SURE they all came to the same conclusion: That at the time the only way to get rid of it is surgery.
Lose 10 (kg) by August... Achieved
Lose 5 (kg) by Mid-September.....Achieved
Gain 20 (lb) in Muscle by December.......Achieved, Gained 24lb in Muscle
Gynecomastia Consultation October 17, 08......Complete

Surgery Completed January 8th, 2009 with Dr. Elliot Jacobs in NYC!

Offline bling

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Hey yes I am takign tumerec root i bought it at gnc  in couple weeks i saw results my nipples wasitn pointy but then for some reason they look the same again I think its my workouts

Offline i_dont_know

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Nolva or Tamoxifen has been PROVEN to work in doctor cases. Idk what you all are talking about.

That works when you have gynecomastia from STEROIDS. Which most of us don't.

Don't you think if there was a "natural" remedy that didn't cost thousands of dollars, the hundreds or thousands of people who have registered on this board and eventually opted for surgery would have found it? Don't you think that a TON of us were petrified about the prospect of having to bring this up to parents or loved ones? Don't you think that just about the last thing that anyone would want to do is shell out thousands of dollars for a surgery and then have to find ways to hide it and and make up excuses for needing to wear a compression vest for a month?

Trust me.. we've ALL tried to find the "natural" and easy way out. The fact is that it just isn't there. There's no easy way to fix pubertal gynecomastia that hasn't resolved on its own and just make it go away. If there was, you can bet that I would have found it after the 10 years I spent searching vigorously because I didn't want to tell anyone and I didn't want to need surgery.

It's unfortunate, and I know how some people feel. I used to read these boards and think that maybe it was just a total conspiracy somehow and that the moderators kept it so that the only opinion allowed here was that surgery was the only way to fix it. That's how frustrated I'd get. I figured there HAD to be something I could do besides surgery. There just wasn't. I finally had the surgery and I'm glad I did. It's overwith and once I'm healed, I'll be able to put this awful thing that ruined the better part of 10 years for me in the past and bury it for good.

Offline mrstew12

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I am currently taking a supplement called G Y N E X I N it is supposed to be natural and supposed to work.... I havent seen any results so far but im being optomisitic because i too cannot go under the knife..
i took it for a month i saw some results  not much they say it takes 3 months to see drastic results

Offline Paa_Paw

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Look at the dates on the original post and the various answers.

That someone was willing to look back that far to try and find something is clear indication of just plain desperation.

Sadly, those ground up weeds will not work whether they have been pressed into foul tasting pills or loaded into gelatin capsules makes no difference.

A long time ago, we put in a block that prevents the name of one product from being posted here. This was done because the product is a scam.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2009, 04:52:55 AM by Paa_Paw »

Offline Cellar_Door

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There HAS to be a way to get people on the interwebs to spell "lose" correctly.
Surgery completed. Mission accomplished!
2/6/09. Dr. Karidis, UK.

Offline Paa_Paw

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I would be tempted to agree except that I have sometimes found my own spelling and/or punctuation to be, shall we say, creative?

Many of our correspondants are still in school or use English as a second language. I think it best to ignore the creative spelling as long as the message manages to get through.

Offline demha

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lol turmeric, its a recommendation from the chest program, it doesn't work. It's a good spice thats proven to be healthy but, it won't rid you of gyne.

Offline Gyno-more

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While there don't seem to be any "Natural" remedies to Gyno, don't be discouraged from trying to find one.  If nobody looked for cures, we'd be in a sorry state right now.  Just be careful not to spend money on some of the "cures" that others have tried unsuccessfully. 

Offline Jack17

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The gland is an organ. There is no natural way to make your appendix disappear, so I don't see why there would be a natural way to get rid of gyne.   

Offline Paa_Paw

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When we become able to uncook an egg, we might also be able to ungrow breast tissue.

Offline dondante

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There HAS to be a way to get people on the interwebs to spell "lose" correctly.

lol, this one got me a giggle... hey Celllar_Door, why don't you loose the attitude?  ;D


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