Author Topic: ANyone had blood tests and what did they show  (Read 1346 times)

Offline Greg671

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I am a 27 year old guy and around 3 years ago I noticed that my left nipple has been growing and I have considerbale pain/soreness when I touched it. Needless to say this is a very emberassing problem especially when I go to the beach or have to take off my shirt. I wish my chest was just normal like everybody elses.   Right now it feels like there's some tissue underneath my nipple (but not fat) and its about 4 cm and on the left side only. I had blood tests which showed normal total tesosterone 320 (range 280-1000), but low free testosterone 10 (range 15-90) and high androstenedione 405 (range 0-280). I was also tested for Klienfelter syndrome (negative, thank god) and liver and kidney diseases, all of which came out negative.   Did anybody have blood tests with similar results? 

And did anybody have tesosterone replacment and did it help reduce the size of their gyno?


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