Author Topic: Few Questions On MY mind About Gyne  (Read 2908 times)

Offline helpTheTittyman

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Hey every im a 16 year old male suffering from gyne,
 Im fat but no THAT fat, but i have a stomach, not that big.
      My problem is that i have gyne, puffy nipples, and one of my nipple stays in when its puffy

My questions
 - By building pecs will my gyne look better, or firmer. I hate the sagginess
 - If i lost weight will the gyne look smaller?
 - Is their anyone who got a prescribed drug to lower estrogen level in their body, and hey saw a cure
 - Is it ok to have surgery at 16?

Offline helpTheTittyman

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Offline nipman

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I'm not saying this is the case for you, but I got down to like 6 percent body fat at one point and still had puffy nips.  I ended up getting surgery and cant explain how much better I feel.  I can finally wear a wife beater without being concerned if people are looking at my nips!  Some here will say 16 is a tad young due to the hormonal fluxuation going on, I would go see a reputable endocrinoligist and check your hormone levels.  If all else fails, get a job on the weekends and pick a summer to have "it done".  If you go to a good Dr. who knows what he or she is doing, recovery time will be much quicker and discreet. I had my op 4 or 5 weeks ago and Im back to doing everything I was doing preop and noone has figured it out that I had surgery.  Also, dont waste your money going to a PS who dosent do this procedure often, resulting in a less than stallar result.  Get it done right the first time.

Offline JeepKuntry

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By working out you can reduce the size of your gyno. You need to have a proper diet also.  You will not eliminate the gyno but lipo is used to remove fat, not gland.  I could tell a difference when I lost 35lbs. but the gyne was definitely still noticeable.

Offline 15ineedhelp

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Hey every im a 16 year old male suffering from gyne,
 Im fat but no THAT fat, but i have a stomach, not that big.
      My problem is that i have gyne, puffy nipples, and one of my nipple stays in when its puffy

My questions
 - By building pecs will my gyne look better, or firmer. I hate the sagginess
 - If i lost weight will the gyne look smaller?
 - Is their anyone who got a prescribed drug to lower estrogen level in their body, and hey saw a cure
 - Is it ok to have surgery at 16?

Your questions.....
Try working on your upper chest. Dont work on your lower part of the chest as this will push the gyne out.
Your gyne will look smaller but it dosnt mean it will look better. I have put on weight so it dosnt look as bad.
Drugs can help, but maybe you dont need drugs. Maybe its not from hormone issues. Have you every taken steriods of smoked any thing?
And finally its Ok to have surgery at 16. There are many teenagers like me and you that have surgery at a young age.

Hope this helps..

Offline buyside

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  • Posts: 31
Hey every im a 16 year old male suffering from gyne,
 Im fat but no THAT fat, but i have a stomach, not that big.
      My problem is that i have gyne, puffy nipples, and one of my nipple stays in when its puffy

My questions
 - By building pecs will my gyne look better, or firmer. I hate the sagginess
 - If i lost weight will the gyne look smaller?
 - Is their anyone who got a prescribed drug to lower estrogen level in their body, and hey saw a cure
 - Is it ok to have surgery at 16?

"By building pecs will my gyne look better, or firmer. I hate the sagginess"
That depends on what you think "better" is as that's a subjective word.  Building muscle may improve the shape of your chest but it'll also push the gyno out too. But, i think on the whole, getting in shape and building muslce will only serve to help your appearance.

"If i lost weight will the gyne look smaller?"
This depends on what your gyne consists of.  If it's all tissue then weight loss won't matter. If it's tissue/fat or mostly fat then yeah weight loss will improve the appearance of your chest. You won't eliminate it completely but overall you'll look and feel bettter. This is like that point I made above.

"Is their anyone who got a prescribed drug to lower estrogen level in their body, and hey saw a cure"
I'm not an endocrinologist, an MD, or any type of health professional but i think this is rare.  The only time I've heard of this occuring is when the gyne itself was caused by steroid usage. Guys would use anti-e's after a cycle and see the elimination of their gyne.  My gut feeling is that it wont work if your gyne isn't caused by that.

"Is it ok to have surgery at 16?"
That's something you should discuss with your surgeon and parents.  I know guys on this board have had it done that young but it's very much an individual decision and there is no uniform answer.


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