Author Topic: in process: BODY TRANSFORMATION... from fat to swole  (Read 9557 times)

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wanted to stop in and show what ive done with myself so far. ive been trying to increase LBM while lowering my bodyfat for about 9mos. now. ive gone from 330lbs to now 217lbs im looking to get down to around 8% bodyfat for my surgeries i want to get. anyways, ive learned quite a bit about nutrition, dieting, and excersize over the last 9 months. i know im gonna have excess skin, as i already do around my midsection. im not too worried about it right now, my main focus is hitting my goal bodyfat, and getting rid of my floppy moobs, lol.

heres a link to my progress pics so far:

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Congratulations on the great progress, and I admire your aggressive goal for body fat percentage.

I just had my 2nd surgery to have excess skin removed along with my Gyne. I'm at about 11% BF and would like to get below 10% myself. At this point I just can't wait to get the ok to start running and lifting weights from my PS.

Best of luck to you!

how bad does the skin removal surgery hurt during recovery? im hoping it doesnt keep me out of the gym for too long.... whats your story bro? how big were you before you got surgery?

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how bad does the skin removal surgery hurt during recovery? im hoping it doesnt keep me out of the gym for too long.... whats your story bro? how big were you before you got surgery?

The procedure I just had, a "abdominoplasty revision", was not really that painful at all. I only needed the vicodin for 4 or 5 days, after that Tylenol was enough. I took 1 week off from work for recovery and was able to start 3 mile walks after 6 days. I started using my elliptical machine after 2 weeks and just started light resistance training yesterday (19 days post-op).

My abdominoplasty in 2001 on the other hand was much worse. I was on vicodin for several weeks and missed 3 weeks of work. I can't remember how it took before I was able to start working out after that but it was much longer.

I don't know if the difference in recovery for the two procedures is due to the surgeon so much as the improvement in surgical technique in the 6 years or so between procedures.

At my heaviest I was 270, now I'm just under 160 now. I've got some pictures at the link in my sig.

what was your bodyfat % when you went under the knife?

Offline mattmando

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hey man quick question....

did you give up beer?  i love beer man but i really don't wanna gain weight from it.

great results by the way looks like you have def. gotten down and dirty with dieting and excersing

Offline KeepFighting

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Offline State_Property

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hey man quick question....

did you give up beer?  i love beer man but i really don't wanna gain weight from it.

great results by the way looks like you have def. gotten down and dirty with dieting and excersing

ive never seen a diet plan with beer, but i guees it depends on how many days a week u drink and is it's light or not, but alcohol also has negative effects on ur testosterone. i think its best do drink hard liquor and a 0 calorie mixer like diet coke, but as long as it's not excessive i don't see a problem with drinking whatever u want.

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when i go on a strict cut i do not drink at all. alcohol is very counterproductive to a cutting diet, or any diet for that matter. there are ways to minimize its effects though. for every drink you consume consume a glass of water. this will keep you from dehydrating. also, i usually only drink low sugar liquor and diet coke or tonic water. i would drink maybe 1-2 time a month tops. every once in a while i would cheat an entire weekend and just get trashed, lol. but most of the time i dont drink.

Offline matthew1

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how bad does the skin removal surgery hurt during recovery? im hoping it doesnt keep me out of the gym for too long.... whats your story bro? how big were you before you got surgery?

The procedure I just had, a "abdominoplasty revision", was not really that painful at all. I only needed the vicodin for 4 or 5 days, after that Tylenol was enough. I took 1 week off from work for recovery and was able to start 3 mile walks after 6 days. I started using my elliptical machine after 2 weeks and just started light resistance training yesterday (19 days post-op).

My abdominoplasty in 2001 on the other hand was much worse. I was on vicodin for several weeks and missed 3 weeks of work. I can't remember how it took before I was able to start working out after that but it was much longer.

I don't know if the difference in recovery for the two procedures is due to the surgeon so much as the improvement in surgical technique in the 6 years or so between procedures.

At my heaviest I was 270, now I'm just under 160 now. I've got some pictures at the link in my sig.
man, its looks like you were in a car accident, in those photos!!!1    well you have much to be proud of


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