Author Topic: Operation Yesterday - Wish I Did it Years Ago!!!  (Read 5146 times)

Offline ab3

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Following on from my previous posting "Surgery in Bath BMI Clinic and Compression Vest?".

I had gynecomastia liposuction surgery yesterday afternoon and am really impressed with the results.  Here's what happened.

Having suffered with gyne for years I thought at 22years of age it was about time to get something done about it.  For my whole teenage life I've been overweight about 16stone @ 5ft10", but before going to university I lost a lot of weight and got down to 12stone.  My body looked far better and I ws finally healthy.  However my breasts were stubborn and remained.  They have really hampered my life and relationships, and I've had to use many tricks and excuses to keep them hidden!  Being a student I couldn't immediately afford the operation and I didn't want to have it done via the NHS.  So I worked every summer and saved enough money for the operation to be done privately.

Having done extensive research I booked my surgery with Dr Sherif Wilson at the Bath BMI Clinic.  The clinic is really nice and Mr Wilson is amazing, really calm and organised, he put me at ease.  Further, he seems to specialise in breast reconstruction and surgery.  The cost was £90 for the initial consultation and £3200 for the operation and all costs involved in staying overnight in the clinic.

I arrived at the clinic at 12.15pm with my best mate who I told about my condition a few days before surgery.  He was really cool about it and very understanding which helped a lot.  He knew nothing about it previously, but I found it easier to tell him rather than my female friends or family for some reason.  Anyway, he waited with me in my room until about 4pm.  Then when he left I got changed into my gown and took some tablets ready for the general anesthetic.  I was wheeled down to the ward and was put under general anesthetic.  This was actually quite a nice feeling and didn't hurt in the slightest.  The next thing I knew I awoke in the operating room and sat up immediately.  I started talking a lot and asking a lot of random questions, I think the nurses found it quite funny, but for some reason I was really alert and was being nosey about the lady next to me who had just finished her operation - I can't remember what I was saying but remember people laughing.  I didn't even think about my own surgery  which demonstrates how pain free it is! 

They wheeled me back to my room at about 7pm.  I sat there watching TV although I can't remember what I was watching and I was rather dizzy - the anesthetic took a while to wear off.  My friend came back to visit me at about 7.30pm which was great.  It was really nice to see a friendly face.  We chatted and talked about the surgery - I can't really remember what I was saying to him either.  Then I got hunger pangs, having not eaten since 6am in the morning.  I ordered a cheese sandwich and a spinage soup.  I ate half the sandwich and a few spoons of soup.  However, 5mins after this I felt funny.  I visited the bathroom and was sick.  Then standing at the sink trying to recompose myself I sort of fainted and fell on my backside knocking off the toiletries on the shelf.  As soon as I hit the floor I woke up and quickly stood up and ran back to my bed.  My friend looked after me from then on.  I think the anesthetic made me ill - my advise is to take it very slowly!

Laying in the bed with my compression top on and some paper pants I started snooping under my compression top.  It looked really good and the pain was limited.  The doctor and I had decided that lipo was the best option as I didn't have too much gland and the benefits of lipo - i.e. no scars and an even finish, outweighed the benefits of excision.  The surgeon visited me that evening and told me had taken roughly 500ml of fat from each breast - he took photo's as proof!

My friend left at about 11.30pm and I went to bed.  I woke at 6am and watched TV.  My nurse visited me every now and again to give me drugs and do tests - all was fine.  I had breakfast at 8am and that was okay, I managed to keep it down!  My friend returned at 9am and sat with me.  He really is an amazing mate - i've known him for 12 years and he has never seen me shirtless.  It's such a shame because I've been to some of the most beautiful beaches and have never been able to take my top off!  My surgeon visited me at about 11am and inspected my chest.  He said he was extremely happy and that after a few weeks I would have no swelling or bruising - I can't wait!  My friend stayed in the room and saw my bare chest for the first time and  I felt totally comfortable with it. 

Then we discharged and walked back to my home and now I am lying on bed typing this for the benefit of all you guys who have helped me so much over the past years in dealing with this condition.

My only concern before surgery was that  pre op my nipples (as in the areola) were quite large in dia 4.5cm. and I was concerned that after surgery these wouldn't shrink very much.  We'll at the moment they have shrunk a lot to about 3.5cm and look so much better.  My chest is now flat and looks amazing in comparison to what it looked like before.  I'm still sore and relatively immobile but that should get better with time.  I'll post some pictures post op soon but in the meantime check out my pre op photos - notice how bad it is!

My advice to all you pre op guys is - save up for surgery and get it done ASAP!  My only regret is not having it done years ago so that like my friends I too could enjoy the beach, walking around in shorts in the summer and even taking a shower and walking down the corridor in a towel rather than getting changed in the bathroom!  These things are taken for granted by "regular" guys, and we deserve to be able to do these too! 

Good luck guys!

Offline 15ineedhelp

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Nice yo hear its going good.....
But i think you have made a mistake..
From your picture i think you have got gland behind your nipples (dont take my word for it)
You should have had direct exision to remove the breast tissue......
Lipo has helped but has only taken  the fat out.......

Anyway i hope im wrong......
Does you doctor have some kind of revision policy.....

Offline ab3

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Heres some pictures of my progress since my op on Tuesday!  My nipples are still quite large but a lot better than before in my opinion.  What do you guys think??

Offline Chodel

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great results!!  should look even better with time.  you must be so please!  congratulations!  :D

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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Well done.  ;D

Patience is the key now.  It will take many months for your chest to settle so try not to panic when it swells up and the whole process seems to be going backwards.

I had gyne on one side only, so the nipple on that side was much larger.  Now 7 months down the line you would be hard pushed to tell the difference between them.

Surgery performed by Mr Levick at The Priory Hospital Bimingham (UK) 20th October 2006

Offline ab3

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Offline ab3

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Offline ab3

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What do you guys think - can I go to the beach topless now?  Be honest


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I got similar gyno to yours mate ... Im actually considering just giving 4k to Levick instead of waiting around for NHS to sort out my problem. But then again, im 15 stones and 5ft11 ... Still need to come down to about 12 stones like you. Think it would be best to wait on the NHS and at the same time lose weight to 12stones before considering Levick if NHS havent already performed the operation on me by then.


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