If he cannot guarantee that he can do excision, then DEFINITELY CANCEL the surgery. From your photos, it is almost certain that almost all, if not 100% of your gyne is caused by gland.
If you're concerned about him keeping your deposit, you might be able to get it all back. If you signed something about him performing gynecomastia surgery, then it is the standard medical practice to use excision (ie cutting) to remove the glandular tissue. If he is unwilling to use the generally accepted method of performing this procedure, then you have a very strong legal case to get a full refund.
I wouldn't start threatening him, but see if he'll be nice about it. If he gives you a hard time, you might want to say something like, "I'll use all means necessary to get my deposit back." (which is code for "I'll get a lawyer and sue you if need be"). You should do whatever you can to make sure it does not come to that if you can avoid it.
But you have gotten unanimous support on this site from every single user that has posted that lipo alone will not work for you. The reason we're unanimous is because we all have had enough experience with this with enough different doctors to know. Cancel it.
Find a guy (or woman) who does this surgery at least once a week, who has before & after pictures of at least 10 patients he can show you, and can guarantee you he/she will perform excision if gland is found (which it will be). Good luck.