Author Topic: General advice please :)  (Read 3598 times)

Offline hidden_from_society

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I posted my story in another topic, so I'll leave that out. But simply put, I believe I still have Gynecomastia. I tried to make an appointment with my doctor (I decided to just let my pride go away for a day) to discuss it, but he was out. But this is what makes me think it's Gyne still, rather than just "man boobs" and fat (although I'm a bit overweight)

If I put a finger on either side of my nipple and move them around, squeezing a bit, I feel a hard mass that feels like lumps or knots behind both nipples. If I was to estimate the size of it, the left would be bigger than the right, but they're both quite noticeable to me if I feel. Also the fact that while I'm overweight, it's mainly because of the fat over body muscle. I'm 18-24, 5'10, weigh between 190-200 lbs. Yes, over weight I know, but I'm a "natural athlete" in the essence that I have a high muscle mass also. My breasts protrude about 2 inches, and I'd estimate an "A" cup size if I had to. If I wrap an "ace bandage" around my chest, and wear a T-shirt, I look... normal.

Now, I've done the whole weight loss thing.. I've been down to 160 lbs and the only thing is, they were only a little smaller, but definitely more noticeable. If I look back, I can remember when I noticed starting to "grow" them and I was extremely active back then. I stopped being active because of it. I've found creative ways of masking it, but I assure you that I have these monstrosities hanging off my chest. Here's a semi-current (I've actually lost a bit of weight since this picture was taken)

Just to help you with your advice, and to show that while I'm overweight, it's because of my high muscle mass. I sure as heck don't look "fat" I don't think (who knows?) but my chest seems to want to argue that point! I can cup my hand around my chest. My nipples are puffy, and directly behind and for seemingly the depth of the breast, a .. thing that feels hard and knotty. Exactly what people are describing as the gyne gland.

ALL advice is welcome. My chest has seriously ruined a great portion of my life. I can't express how bad it is via words, but suffice to say that I've lost an awful lot of opportunities for fear of ridicule. I've been outside in public with a T-shirt on once in about 8 years, and I wear big baggy clothing in the summer lol.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2007, 04:30:33 PM by hidden_from_society »

Offline tunapuff

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very similiar to my case...same age, weight and type of build as well...I for one am going to an endo to get blood work done.  And then go from there.  Surgery is expensive, but when i think of all the stupid crap i buy on a daily basis... a few thousand on a surgery that may give me peace of mind is well worth it.

Offline flex1appeal

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I can't tell anything with that picture for one. But it does sound like gyne from what you describe. Best thing you can do is at least consult with a PS and see for sure. We can only speculate here based on a description of the symptoms.


Offline hidden_from_society

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The picture was basically just to show that while I'm a bigger guy, but I'm not obese or anything. I assure you I have.. "something" up there. That something is not meant to be on a male lol.

Offline hidden_from_society

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very similiar to my case...same age, weight and type of build as well...I for one am going to an endo to get blood work done.  And then go from there.  Surgery is expensive, but when i think of all the stupid crap i buy on a daily basis... a few thousand on a surgery that may give me peace of mind is well worth it.

Finally someone that understands. It's the fact that I don't feel comfortable even going in public without wearing many layers that is causing the psychological problems. If I don't wear a wrap around my chest, a shirt over it, and a sweater over that, I look like some big fat guy, just because of my size.

Offline tunapuff

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Very true...i was down to 9% bf over the summer with pretty defined abs....and still looked fat in tshirts.

Offline hidden_from_society

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Very true...i was down to 9% bf over the summer with pretty defined abs....and still looked fat in tshirts.

Heh, I'm not that lucky. I'm overweight ya, but it's in my genes. I'm just overall.. a big guy. Stalky more like. I don't think I could have abs if I tried. The picture wasn't meant to ask whether or not I have gyne, because I must, but just to show that I'm not some obese guy that can have the issue attributed to just being... fat.

Thanks for your guys' info. I think it's a safe bet that if your breasts protrude out further than your stomach, you probably have at least a mild form of gyne lol.

Offline hidden_from_society

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Thanks for the replies. My internet has been down for quite some time.

I live in Eastern Canada, namely Nova Scotia. Now I understand that there's good PS' in Canada, but I haven't found any or heard of any in my area of the province. It's not exactly cost feasible to travel to Toronto or some place just for a consultation. I've just transferred some money into my paypal, and I'm going to try an Underworks for now, and hopefully over the course of the next school semester make enough money to travel to a good PS to get it checked out. I've opened up and talked to someone about my insecurities, and they seem willing to help me financially to get it done. It's a big catch 22 though. I can't work or get a regular job that involves me wearing a uniform or anything, for fear of my body image, but I can't get the corrective surgery without getting a job in the first place lol! Oh well.. I really hope that Underwork compression shirts work well enough for now, so I can lead a semi-normal life until I can afford surgery.


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