Author Topic: 10 days post op  (Read 3097 times)

Offline chachkid

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hey guys this is the first time im writting my story ,im 40 yr old male and ive had gyno for the last 7 years.I finnally got the surgery done 10 days ago and i got my medical insurance to pay for it. The recovery was not that bad the worst part of the process was when they removed the drain tubes(it killed) but other than that it was easy and now i have the results that i wanted and it feels great,I cant wait to start working out again.if anyone is on the fence on about getting the surgery id say go for it because i wish i had done it sooner.

good luck guys

Offline fixedupinTX

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Congratulations on the surgery.  I was wondering what the medical reason for your gyne was.  Can you share?  I didn't bother to check to see if my insurance would cover my surgery, and maybe I wish I had.  I assumed this was purely cosmetic.  I am 39 and am 8 days post op.  It sounds like my condition was much different than yours.   The doctor said they lipo'd over a liter of fat and excised a considerable amount of breast tissue.  I didn't have any idea there was that much stuff down there.   But I didn't have any drain tubes.  Where did you have your surgery done?  Sorry you had pain.  I'm just itchy.  I agree with you, I sure wish I had done it 10 years ago.

Offline chachkid

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The doc never really got into why i had it,but we did test the tissue to see if there was anything going on and it all came back negitive.I think my condition was alot like yours because he did remove alot of breast tissue and also lipo the area.The reson why i think my insurance covered it was because im a firefighter and it was effecting my job performance and it just hurt like hell when i hit it against something,also to id stop working out because i was embaressed at the gym.So over all heath is the reason why i think insurance covered it. other than that are you happy with the results and how cool is it to be flat chested again.I actually wore a tight polo shirt the other day because the swelling went down and i could not believe how i looked.I kept having to tell myself not to slouch because my boobs were gone
(LOL) well keep in touch I hope your recovery goes real well


Offline fixedupinTX

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thanks for all the info, Michael!

I guess because you actually saw a doctor before getting the surgery, you had a chance at insurance.  Wow, I'm so glad for you, too!  I saved up, so I expected to part with the cash.  Sure would be nice to keep it, though!!  I just looked up a surgeon, made the appointment, and then went.  I was afraid they wouldn't help me unless I went to a doctor first, but thankfully they didn't.  Sorry!  I know you didn't ask!

Boy, I could talk to you all day about how great it feels to wear a normal shirt and not be embarrassed.  I just got home from playing a concert (I play in a symphony) and I wore my tux shirt with no t-shirt under it.  The spot lights on the stage didn't cast shadows on my boobs and make me feel self-conscience, AND I didn't roast to death with a tight t-shirt on under my other shirt.  NO MORE OF THAT!! 

My swelling is not noticeable, but the doctor told me I have to wear my compression vest for 5 weeks.  I took it off today to play the concert, and boy what freedom!!! 

Thanks again for telling your story!


Offline chachkid

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 so glad things are going well and your right it does feel great to be free of the boobs .well good luck in your recovery and i hope you dont run into any issues and feel free to write anytime,friday i get my stitches out and  i hope the scars wont be that bad
ill let you know

talk to you soon


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