Author Topic: Apollo hospital, Bangalore  (Read 18396 times)

Offline hungry.tides

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hey bloregynacomastia ,
Welcome back, hope you were doing great, so how has life been. I would not be surprised if you are not single any more :D
Keep me posted, and i remember we have to meet sometime !!!

Hey do you think we can compile a list of steps that a novice can follow on his way to surgery, We can ask moderator to make it a sticky then. I think i have already posted a small list of dos and donts, we can do with more inputs from you.

Surgery Date: 25th June 2007
Age: 24 years
Lipo + Excision (<100% removal around nipple)
Plastic Surgeon: Dr. Ananteshwar, Manipal, Bangalore
pre & post pics link:
Know more @ :


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hey bloregynacomastia ,
Welcome back, hope you were doing great, so how has life been. I would not be surprised if you are not single any more :D
Keep me posted, and i remember we have to meet sometime !!!

Hey do you think we can compile a list of steps that a novice can follow on his way to surgery, We can ask moderator to make it a sticky then. I think i have already posted a small list of dos and donts, we can do with more inputs from you.


Hey hungry.tides n bloregynacomastia plz compile a list so that people like me can refer to any thing in a single post

Offline hungry.tides

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Hey hungry.tides n bloregynacomastia plz compile a list so that people like me can refer to any thing in a single post

Why dont u tell us what you would like to have in the compilation, this question is to all.


Offline anothersufferer

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Hi Hungry.tides,

Lets start preparing the list. Starting from the search for a doctor & consultation. While some of the tests were necessary for you people while operated at Manipal like hormone test, I was advised by my doctor not to go for it as he felt it is not required at all.

In general, I would say following steps are necessary:
1. Search for a proper doctor, list of doctors, hospitals, numbers
2. A proper consultation asking all the questions
3. Tests required prior to surgery
4. Points to do 1 day before surgery
5. Post surgery recovery guidance on the operation day
6. Post surgery recovery guidance on the following days prior to stitches removal
7. Post surgery recovery guidance after removal of stitches
8. Travel after surgery
9. Excercise after surgery
10. Regular check up after 1 month, quarter and six months post surgery
11. How to handle various issues that arise after surgery - this we can know from senior members only.

Moreover, we should define the steps in a word document and post it somewhere on this forum, easily accessible for our Asian friends, what say?

I am posting the questions I had asked to Doctor during consultation:

In order to gain more confidence in this operation, I need your help with answers to following questions:

1. Consultation - When can I visit Apolo hospital, Chennai before going for the final day?

2. Procedure - What is the procedure for the surgery, is it Excision or Liposuction or both? Is it painful, how many stiches etc, is drainage required, pipe will be attached for the motion & loo?

3. Testimonials - Can I get to know testimonials from some of your patients about the pre and post op results? Patients ranging from one week to one month to a 6 months will satisfy my concerns. Also, if I can get to see some pre and post op photos of different patients from your directory whom you have operated.

4. Rest days - how many days leave should I apply for in the office?

5. Effect - When will I get to see the proper effect of surgery?

6. Sports - Will I be able to go to Gym, play sports or it will have an adverse effect and Gyne will appear again if I do hard work?

7. Hormones - Will this treatment have any effect on my hormones, will it affect the production of semen. To inform more, I am having less hair all over the body as compared to other people. Is hormone test necessary before going for the operation? Will I have any problem during intercourse

8. Medicine - How many months do I need to take medicine?

9. Money - How much do I need to pay, for everything. Starting from Operation, Consultation, Rooms in the hospital, Medicine before and after etc so that I can plan my finance accordingly. Is there any way I can pay in installments?

10. Travel - After how many days I will be able to travel, and which will be good way of commutation, bus or train or flight, as I am not from Chennai but will be visiting as part of the surgery only. When can I start riding my own bike?

11. Hospital Services - How is the Apolo hospital service? Will I get a good room and good service from nurse and doctors? What if there is any danger issue post operation? How would you handle that?

12. Post Operation Check up - At what intervals you will see and check me? In case I need any further instruction, how can I reach you?

13. Food - Which food can I take pre and post op, after a week, a month and quarter?

Please provide any other info that might be useful as per you.

Well, you, bloregynecomastia & moobs_sucks can add more detail to these questions!
Say "No" to Gyne

Surgery Date: 11th October 2007
Lipo + Excision
Plastic Surgeon: Dr. K. Ramachandran, Apollo, Chennai, India
Surgery Exp:,12088.0.html
Pre & Post Op photos:

Offline anothersufferer

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Additionally, a testimonial & latest photos from each of us who are operated would be wonderful!

Offline hungry.tides

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thanks anothersufferer for the list of questions, The answers you get for questions that you ask during consultations are the most important factor that can tell   you if you shud go for the surgeon.
And the biggest problem that we all face is that we give huge gaps between subsequent consultations, In my case I saw this site for the first time in November 2006. I thank god for showing me this site. But then i didnt have the guts to talk to a plastic surgeon. I also had to tell my parents, I then started my tests (endo etc) and there were problems in my hormone levels, Prolactin to be specific. That made me reluctant to again start my hunt for surgeon. It all again started in April, i told my parents, they were supportive. In may i met 3 surgeons. Also a surgeon in Mumbai. then In June i saw bloregynecomastia's post. That made me visit Dr Ananteshwar. and in a 15 minute chat with him i decided. Took a date for 2 weeks later (the most recent that was available) and executed the plan.

while selecting a surgeon, you should always ask for pre and post images. see how many operations he has done. I know theres no way you can find out that, but reputation of surgeon will tell a lot. For people who are from smaller towns, its advisable to travel and get operated, rather than get under a person who is quack at best.

And again i would repeat, dont delay meeting a surgeon. the more you delay the more you loose.

Abt the step to step guide, i will work with bloregynecomastia, anothersufferer , moobssuck .....and try to get the best resource for u all.



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hi guys i smoke..will it be a problem should i quite smoking in order to get operated,did any who smokes got operated........plz any inputs
hungry tides or any one..........

Offline hungry.tides

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i dont smoke, but theres no good time to quit smoking. The best person to answer this would be your Surgeon. I read some where in the forums that you should stop smoking and boozing, before you go for surgery. This may not be medically related to the surgery.


Offline bloregynacomastia

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Guys guys guys........ NO ALCOHOL ATLEAST 48 HOURS ( 2days)  PRIOR TO SURGERY. REASON ?  Alcohol is a blood thinner and * MAY* affect Bleeding and clotting.

Smoking should be stopped atleast 2 weeks before surgery. ( I know many smokers wont follow this one). Nevertheless.  REASON ?  Cigarette smoke contains    minimum 6 free radical toxic compounds That suppress thrombin in blood....It also  reduces oxygen carrying capacity of RBC ( red blood corpuscle). This results in delayed healing. Mind you that even after temporary stopping smoking the body needs many many weeks to rid itself of these toxic substances that are retained in the lungs, blood  and body in trace amounts.....What it does is IT DELAYS HEALING .

Now, the Alcohol before surgery is easy  to avoid in ur case  dear knekil. As far as smoking? try to limit urself to 2-3 cigarettes a day and slowly reduce it till 2 days before surgery. the 2 days prior to surgery  lock urself in some room or handcuff urself (just kidding) and DONT light UP....If u got enough will power for that it will be AWESOME. However Smoking  and even alcohol (less than 50 ml) does not affect surgery directly at all. Modern Vasoconstrictor medications (like Epinephrine) are very strong and can stop bleeding even with a substancial amount of thinning agents

Advice: Taking Powerful Anti-oxidants (in oral tablet form or suspension fluid) may reduce harmful effects of smoking to some extent.include it in your diet along with Multi vitamins+ minerals). ASK your physician to prescribe some good ones.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2007, 12:40:29 AM by bloregynacomastia »


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thanks a lot bloregynacomastia ,it was very useful info


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