Author Topic: about a week until surgery -advice please  (Read 1930 times)

Offline ben1134

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alright i got surgery set up for a week from tuesday. i'm getting lipo and excision for puffy nipples. i took off a week from work and my dad said he would stay home with me the day of and day after because my mom will be out of town on business.

im very confident in my ps, he was referred to me by my uncle who is a doctor
anyways im just looking for some does and donts after surgery like the things the doctors dont tell you, such as most comfortable way to relax and good ways to keep myself busy in the week off.

also i have a problem with friends showing up uninvited to my house so i need a good excuse to keep them away and i dont think vacation will work since i just got back from one

just need a little support since im kinda nervous, this site has helped me tremendously but some of the stories ive heard on hear have also scared the hell out of me.

a little background im 5'11 roughly 140 the ps said excess skin shouldnt be a problem and neither shoulcd concavity, his before and after pics look good, the only thing that scared me is that he says he only does this 15 or so times a year but i guess thats more than most i talked to.  but anyways back on subject sometimes when i read on here it seems like noone with puffy nips is happy after surgery. are good experiences rare??

my expectations: be able to wear a plain white tshirt with no problems and be able to walk around to pool with no weird looks.  Im not looking for perfection just looking o be an average guy.
is that realistic? my ps said it was

your advice is greatly appreciated

p.s. anybody got any good movies, books, games they enjoyed after surgery??

Thanks again

 11 days to freedom : )

Offline qwerty_123

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ben i am 2 weeks post op

there isnt much really to worry about in terms of post is a simple operation and you come out of the hospital feeling like you have had a big chestw orkout at the gym the day before. To tell you the truth i had two pain killers all up post surgery and i only took them the night after the op because i wanted a good nights sleep

as for friends showing up unexpexctedly...i wouldnt worry at all... i was going out shopping with mates 2-3days post and no one had any idea

your case seems similar to 5 11 and lean and muscular but had some gland removed..

your expectations are basically exactly the same as mine also...and 2 weeks post op im wearing shirts and singlets that have sat in my wardrobe wiithout being worn for many years

Offline jessegyne

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I really don't know much but my only advise is to have confidence on your self


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