Author Topic: Compression Vest????  (Read 7675 times)

Offline Calgary_Guy24

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How long did everyone wear their compression vest, before you took it off for good?  Replies would be greatly appreciated!!

Its been almost 3 weeks and its driving me crazy, although my chest does feel a lot better with it on.  Almost feel naked with out it ;-)


Offline unsure

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i peeked at mine after three days

at four days i took everythin off for an hour

by five days i wasn't wearing a thing

by six i saw the surgeon and wasn't wearing any compression garment

and by seven (today) i feel like i did before the surgery (minus the gyne of course)

my doctor doesn't advocate compression vests,...

you shoudl give your body alot of credit... i remember the afternoon of my surgery having felt like i have been cut open and things being so raw the next  day.... but the body heals at a crazy fast rate, especially when it is young....

Offline noMas

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my doctor says to wear it for 6 weeks 24/7 except for showering...he said the vest helps the skin contour to the body and helps to prevent scar tissue build up..depending on the degree of your procedure things may be different..i would stick to what the doc says
Bi-lateral Excision w/lipo 11.8.04

Offline LAGuy

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My doc has me in it 6 weeks 24 hours a day too.  I cheated a bit though.  I can't really wear it at work.  My job is too physical.  But other than that, 24/7

Offline vaio

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How tight can you make the ace bandage??
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Offline relictele

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I think I went 3-4 weeks, but towards the end I wore it only/mostly at night.

First few days can be uncomfortable not strictly due to vest, but because my back muscles seized up unaccustomed to the pressure/tension.  Heating pad helped this and tightness went away fairly quickly.

Offline Argo

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My doctor advocates an ace bandage too and he put a piece of foam under it (have both of them on now) and since I had additional lipo on my stomach and hip rolls he put me in a solar belt around my waist.  I'm already thinking though, that both of these things are going to make it a little weird to dress for work so I ordered a compression vest from //  I'm thinking that maintaining compression is key to a good result and I didn't fork out $7000 for it all to be for naught.  I guess that manintaining the compression keeps the tunnels where the cannula passed through the fat from forming too much scar tissue.  That may very well account for some of the hard tissue issues I read so much about.

Offline mainzman

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i had op on 12.1.05 . since then i am wearing the vest. it is comfortable for me an not disturbing.
doc says about 3 months to wear it.

Offline vaio

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3 months! Thats the longest I have heard. My Doc said 2 weeks day and night, and 2 more week sday and off at night.

I am gonna wear it 24/7 for 6 weeks. Just to be on the safe side.

Offline serg

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I've been told to wear the compression vest for a week 24/7 and thereafter to wear it while alseep for a further 3 weeks.

Offline JTZ

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I wore mine 24/7 for about three weeks after each of my surgeries.  Fun times.  :(
« Last Edit: March 08, 2005, 06:20:25 PM by JTZ »

Offline California Man

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i was told to wear it for one month 24/7 and then only at night for an additional month.

Offline mainzman

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it is strange. as soon as i take the vest off, lets say for 2 hours, my chest is swelling and it looks like before the surgery. it is now 2 months post op.

i am really confused.

can someone make a comment please!!


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