Author Topic: testosterone boosters  (Read 5495 times)

Offline jmxt2

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hi well basicaly i have took test boosters over the last few years plus steroids (stupid i know because had i not have taken them i would not be here now! still we all make mistakes.) obviously after surgery in december i will never go back to steroids but i am still interested in taking test boosters. before i have taken m1test among others however i know now that these can contribute to gyno. my question is ... are you safe taking something like novadex xt? as this promotes the body to boosts test naturaly and blocks estro effects. any suggestions? + am i wrong in my understanding?

Offline Don Won I

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There used to be posts on the forum with people getting gyne from Novadex and m1test. Everyone reacts differently to that stuff. Once you get gyne, I think it's easy for it to pop up again. It's your choice, but I'd leave the test boosters alone.

Offline flex1appeal

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There used to be posts on the forum with people getting gyne from Novadex and m1test. Everyone reacts differently to that stuff. Once you get gyne, I think it's easy for it to pop up again. It's your choice, but I'd leave the test boosters alone.

ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE!!!!! Not sure what or where you read this information about Nolvadex but it will not promote gynecomastia. It's an estrogen blocker for god's sake. And yes, it does play a role in PCT for natural test levels to recover. It works similarly to that of clomid.

Offline KCbro

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M1T in pre PH ban formulation was rather potent… I would caution you however on using any pro-hormone. Most carry the all the same risks of actual steroids with limited positive results.  Most of the PH products fail to educate the user on PCT procedures following their use.

I personally will continue to use gear but will stay away from the compounds that aggravated my gyno that I developed as a teenager.


Offline jmxt2

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rite cheers for that am i right in understanding that if a steroid aromatises then gyno may be a problem. if it doesnt then gyno should not be a side? as i said i will stop steroids totaly but just interested.  cheers

Offline Don Won I

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There used to be posts on the forum with people getting gyne from Novadex and m1test. Everyone reacts differently to that stuff. Once you get gyne, I think it's easy for it to pop up again. It's your choice, but I'd leave the test boosters alone.

ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE!!!!! Not sure what or where you read this information about Nolvadex but it will not promote gynecomastia. It's an estrogen blocker for god's sake. And yes, it does play a role in PCT for natural test levels to recover. It works similarly to that of clomid.

Um. MY BAD. You must've missed that huge part where I said the forum.

I never made those statements. Other people did. So obviously they had some side effect to it. But wait, let me guess, they were lying, right? Nolva helps some and has had weird effects on others. Some people have tried Nolva to get their gyno back in shape and ended up worse than before. Not everyone has the same body for God's sake.

Kern's right assuming its an estrogen related gyno. If its pro-lactin levels that are jacked Nolvadex could make your lactin gyno worse. So either way you go be sure you know what your dealing with. Great way to check is go get blood work done and have your test and lactin levels checked. If your test is out of whack and pituatary looks good then its estro.

Nolva can acutually make progestin based gyno worse. If it is progestin based which i thought it wasnt, cabergoline is what you need.

That thread talks about a rebound effect (when your estrogen lowers and comes back way to high) to Letrozole, which some consider anti-estrogen. In other words, I'd leave the stuff alone, jmxt2. If you do, then see a doctor first.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2007, 10:27:06 PM by Don Won I »

Offline jmxt2

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cheers all for the the help was very usefull. much appreciated


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