Author Topic: Gyne is muscle or hard tissue  (Read 6501 times)

Offline stallone

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My gnye is made up of muscle or hard tissue.  I have tried losing body fat, lifting weights (which seems to make it worse) and lipo - all to no avail.  It started 7 years ago - maybe caused by lifting weights (too much decline bench??).  Compression shirts don't really work, there is not much soft tissue to compress.  I have cut out alcohol for months at a time with no visible difference.  Much of the advice on the net doesn't work since the tissue is not soft fat.  Anyone have this too?  Any advice about steps to take or clothing?  Layering clothes doesn't seem to help.  I've tried GC2 clothing and under armour.  I don't have the money for another surgery.  Any help is appreciated.     


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Gland removal is the only way.

How old are you? If I re-call correctly at my consultation Dr.Levick told me in young guys like myself (20 years old) the gland is usually solid! and feels like muscle! and im defo going to have a handful out of each side when I get my surgery tommorow.

Offline stallone

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33 yrs old.  It started when I was 26.

Offline gyne_ph

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My gnye is made up of muscle or hard tissue.  I have tried losing body fat, lifting weights (which seems to make it worse) and lipo - all to no avail.  It started 7 years ago - maybe caused by lifting weights (too much decline bench??).  Compression shirts don't really work, there is not much soft tissue to compress.  I have cut out alcohol for months at a time with no visible difference.  Much of the advice on the net doesn't work since the tissue is not soft fat.  Anyone have this too?  Any advice about steps to take or clothing?  Layering clothes doesn't seem to help.  I've tried GC2 clothing and under armour.  I don't have the money for another surgery.  Any help is appreciated.     

same here. my gyne got worse when i did standard bench press. even layered clothing and 3 lipo didn't work.

only way it to have gland removal

Offline BigLouJr

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Look how big the glands can be and they cannot decrease but only increase with more estrogen. The only way is to take them out.



Offline Bigdom

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As the chest goes nipple, breast tissue, fat, then muscle. Working of the muscle (benches or anything really) will make the condition appear worse.  As mentioned, gland removal/reduction is the only way to achieve what you're after.


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