Author Topic: New member /pics pre-op  (Read 2685 times)

Offline qmanm

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Hello everyone,

 I am a new member and looking for someone that has some input about my concerns. I am scheduled to have surgery next week. One of my concerns is how long I will have to wait before I could start exersising after the surgery (safely)? See I am stationed overseas in the miltary and we exercise quite frequently, however I will be one vacation for about three weeks after the surgery to give my self some time to recuperate after the surgery. Also, does anyone have any experience on how long they had to wear that vest after the surgery? Here are some pics that I took today for future reference after I have the surgery.  
Click on the third picture for the side view, for some reason it is not working correctly.

Offline STILLgotIT

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hey bro, some people can get back to full exercise in as little as 2 weeks, and others have to wait over 2 months. it really depends on your body. everyone heals differently. 3 weeks should be enough to get past the hardest part, but i know how brutal military drills are. i'd try and not do 100% activity for 6 weeks... that's just my personal opinion, though.

congrats on getting the surgery.

Question: do the other military guys give you crap about your condition?

good luck!
« Last Edit: April 14, 2005, 11:41:21 AM by STILLgotIT »

Offline rocco T

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So how did you begin the process?


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