Hi everyone , the purpose of caps was to get most people attention. Im teenage and I had puffy nipples and small boobs for the last few years nothing too serious through. I'm not yet clear of them but the progress goes well and my health has benifited from it ALOT.
MILK , what you know about milk is probably for most the myths of dairy industry. They says milk is healthy and perfect food nature drink. WRONG milk is probably the most toxic and baddes thing you prolly ingest on daily basist. Use your logic and think about it , how does it make sense to injest a animal fluid that cow use for their babies , the cow grew up and eventualy stop drinking mother's milk. WHY ?! should human adult drink this fluid for an healthy diet ?? Think about it does it make sense at all ? Of course not but hey the industry has to make money and dairy market sells good.
IGF-1 is the most powerful growth hormone in human body , present in the milk aswell as estrogen and progesterone wich are female hormones. There's about 59 active hormone in milk from every cows , bio or w/e doesn't change that fact. The human body naturaly use IGF-1 aswell to grew , only cow and human has this hormone and so when mixed with the bunch of others in the milks you can get stranges grew behavior as boob and deadlier ones as many cancers , infact milk is prolly the biggest source of cancers. Now everyone is different so the hormones has of course different effect on the person , one will get prostate cancer , other man boob and other brain tumor as for example.
Milk also containt 750 millions pus cells in every liter , blood , many dieases , overdose of about 52 antibiotics , over overdose of chemicals , fertilisants , rat poison ( vitamine D3) , insectiside and many , many more shit. It also the major cause of zits and acne. CHEESE countain bout 12x More of everything of this , ICECREAM countain 14x more and BUTTER 25X more. SUCH A HEALTHY FOOD YAY ! CASEIN is the milk protein , this is a so hard digestable protein that if cover your inside with glue , how ironic casein is actualy used to make GLUE. This is a major cause of constipation , bad mood , anger and depression.
I STRONGLY suggest you to visit this wonderful happy website to insight you of the wonder(?) of milk :
http://www.notmilk.com/ If you stop eating dairy product for a period of one week your body will get ride of a gallon of mucus and glue stick inside. You will feel better , happier and with more energy trust me I have been doing it for a month now and I feel great. Your body will thank ya !
I hope this message will help more peoples as possible so feel free to help your brothers and spread the words about milk , the deadly product. Goodbye.