Author Topic: About NHS......  (Read 3314 times)


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I used to be really overweight a couple years ago but am pretty much normal weight, but in loosing weight i noticed my 'man boobs' which I had been mocked/self-concious about (still am) for ages are still there, very much so.  Someone told me what gynecomastia was and from doing a bit of research and looking at pictures I'm fairly sure I have it.  However before I go to see my doctor I wanted to check if there was any point at all because I'm only 17 and wondered if anyone knows how old the NHS says you have to be before they will even consider you for sugery?  There is no way I could afford to pay for myself.  If not, are there any other things I can do to help conceal it in the meantime whilst i'm wearing clothes?  I mean obviously I can't get around it completly and it can be quite embarissing changing at school/rugby as I'm the only one with it.  Any advice would be greatly apreciated.  Thanks.


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18 ...

And to top it off ... I got told to pee off because they cant fund the operation.

Certain NHS hospitals will do it for free if you have SEVERE gyne ... so proper t!ts ...


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Well i reckon mine probably classify as a proper bra size, whatever the smallest ones are numbered.  I'll try my luck next year before I go uni, hopefully they'll do it, I have a late summer birthday though so I'll have to wait almost a whole more year  :-[ .


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Good luck man, hope they sort it out for you.

Im 20 and even the private surgeon I went to (Dr Levick) told me if I pushed the NHS hard enough they'll do it for free ... But I thought screw that, I got no time to lose as I been waiting over a year on the NHS as it was and just coughed up 4k and got it done and over with so I can move on!

Offline harry123

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Im not sure you necessary have to be 18 to have the op I am 18 soon 19 now and when I was 15 or 16 I saw my GP and she said I could go on the NHS waiting list but I didn’t  as it wasn’t that much of an issue for me back then. It might have been the waiting list was 1-2 years long and I would have been 17/18 when I actually had the op but nether the less you should go and see your GP, you have nothing to lose and to make it less apparent to other people try wearing a compression vest under your shirt or a nike pro vest. I used to wear a shirt under a shirt or even 2 sometimes and people always used to say why do you always wear a undershirt or aren’t you hot but I wish I had of know about compression vests back then would have made life a little easier.



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Hmm, yar, I've never tried wearing like a nike pro vest or under armour or anything, quite a few of my friends have them 'cause they wear them for rugby but I have loose body armour for that I use instead, I'll buy one when I next have enough money and see how well it works.  And yeah cheers for that, I was thinking of seeing my GP just to confirm I have gynecomastia because in a way it will help accept it better. Cheers.

Offline abc1235

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Hi all,

Lucky for me i have been granted surgery on the nhs.  I am 17 and have only got mild gynecomastia but i am concious of them so i expressed my concerns with my local gp and he said for phychological reasons only he would refer me to a specialist. i had my first appointment with the specialist mid-way through august and expained that i was consious of them and that they affected my evryday life and the specialist just said thats fine, ill refer you for surgery if thats what you want. Since then i have recieved my letter and have got my operation on the 28th september, so not a long wait at all.

i didnt find it hard to get my surgery, but maybe i was lucky.

i wish all you guys out there the best of luck, and try playin on the phychooligical health issues to your doctor


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Hmm, cheers for that, I'll have to make sure I make an appointment for the next few weeks, although I probably wouldn't want to have surgery until next year as it would probably prevent me from doing sports.  I bought a nikepro compression vest to wear in the meantime just to help a little bit.

Offline turningacorner

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they told me 21

then fucked me around loads

(i am 20)

now won't do it for me.


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Put it this way ... more people have been messed around by the NHS than have actually had free gyne surgery with them.

Its like the national lottery, if your lucky they'll sort you out ... or your shafted and gotta spend £4,000 getting surgery privately!


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