Author Topic: Pics.. 3 days post Op  (Read 3858 times)

Offline Maddog78

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Well, it's finally over!  Here is my original thread:,11321.0.html

Got to the hospital at 6am.  Got checked in, suited up and an IV in by 7am.  Doctor stopped by around 7:45, marked me up, went through a few things and answered a few of my questions.  Then off we went!  Getting rolled into the OR and seeing the table and all the gadgets was an interesting experience.  The room was COLD!  They got me all hooked up, gave me some gas then the next thing I know, Im in recovery. Spent about another hour there then they let me go.  I HATE having these drains!  I'm only draining about 10-12 CCs from each side per day right now, so I think I am about done.  My follow-up is scheduled for next Monday (which seems like a long ways away)!  I am going to call in the morning to see if I can get it bumped up.  I have to say, I was impressed on how much of a difference there is in my chest already.  Im pretty darn flat!  I have some loose skin right around my areolas, but its not too bad.  I'm sure that will tighten up in time.  My areolas themselves seem to have shunk a good amount which I am pleased about.  Not much feeling in my chest as of yet.  Honest opinions wanted and appreciated!

Offline Saturn

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You look great!  I'm 5 days post op, and each day I feel better and better.  The experience leading up to surgery was the hard part for me.  I had drains in for two days...they're a little awkward to have.  Seems like you are having them in for a long time, but I guess everyone is different.  Don't worry about having them removed, there is very little discomfort.  Congratulations, and again, you look great!

Offline Maddog78

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Thanks Saturn, I wish the best to you! :D

I just got off the phone with the nurse.. they're going to take the drains out Thrusday!  ;D What a relief!  I have noticed a couple things so far about my chest.  Obviously, I am very happy that i no longer have big, puffy nipples and that my chest is flat.  My right side seems a tad bit biger than my left.  Hopefully this is something that will even out in time.  I am still pretty sore, but feel better each day.  The bruising and swelling are not a factor right now.  I think this is mostly due to the drains.  I am so looking forward to wearing some tighter shirts and my vacation to Cancun next year!  Any other comments would be appreciated!

Offline **Gynefor**

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It really looks great ! That's only three days post op so I suppose that will be a lot better in the next few weeks ! Congrats mate ! Enjoy your new life lucky man !  ;D

Offline Saturn

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Hey Maddog,

I feel like my right side is a little more swollen than the left too, but it maybe that I am being paranoid.  Every chance I get, I look at my chest.  It's hard to believe what a difference there is.  My worst fear is that it will come back (again, being paranoid).  I'm not sure if the drains would cause you to be swollen or not.  It may just be part of the healing.  It's a great feeling not having to deal with the drains once they are removed.  ...I know what you mean about wearing/getting new shirts.  I bought shirts that I would have never worn before surgery.  It was so cool to be able to buy whatever I wanted and not have to worry about gyne.  I go back to the doctors for a follow-up tomorrow.  Hopefully all will be well. 

Offline Punta

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I think your results look outstanding, a great job by your surgeon. I wish you all the best over the next few months. Can you let us all know if you develop any scar tissue around the site of your incision. 

Offline Maddog78

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Thanks Punta.  I am curious myself about the scars.  I haven't seen the ones around my nipples yet due to the tape still being there.  I'll be positing updates regularly.  Can't wait until these drains are out!

Offline Maddog78

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Just a quick update.  I'm going to post pics next Friday as that is my 2 week post op mark.  Drains are out (thank god!).  It appears that my nipples are getting alittle puffy again.  No where near where they used to be, but noticable.  I hope this is something that will go away in time.  Another thing, I'm not sure that my areolas reallt shrunk that much, which is a bit disappointing.  While I am happy that my chest is flat now, I am a bit bummed over the nipple thing.  Time will tell..


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