Author Topic: Midwest guy needs answers, SD?  (Read 2614 times)

Offline SoDak26

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Hey.  Is there anyone that could recommend a surgeon for me to contact?  I have no problems traveling.  Any surgeons who specialize in gynecomastia in the SD, IA, MN, NE areas?  Any feedback would be great.  After reading information on gynecomastia I really feel I have it and it has been emotionally scarring for years.  Even after significant weight loss my chest never seems to get smaller.  I am tired of not feeling masculine when I look at myself with my shirt off.  Help, please!!!!   ???

Offline Nokiojazz

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Hi M8 im seeing a guy in Newyork called Dr jacobs
im coming all theway from england to see him thing is if you gonna have Surgery get it done by the best of the best and from what i have learnt  Dr Jacobs/Dr Michael Bermant  are the best of the best,thats not to say theres other which im sure there is but i know that these 2 know there stuff anyways good luck if you want info on these 2 drs type theres names in the yahoo search box and hey presto !!!!

Offline johnri60626

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I don't know if anyone has suggested this to you or not, but you might look to the University Med Center in Omaha and see who is there. They are usually on the leading edge of medicine and I know they do a lot of PS there

Offline omahaguy1234

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Saw your post and wanted to let you know I saw a Dr in Omaha.  His name is Dr. John Heick.  spelling might be a bit off on the last name, sorry.  Anyway, he is a partner for Aesthetic Surgical Images (ASI) in Omaha, NE at 89th and Dodge (phone number can be looked up and I know they have a website).  Anyway, he is a great doctor, went to Creighton University, has great credentials and the results are awesome.  My surgery was May 24th so im about 6 months post op and the results are amazing.  I feel great taking my shirt off in public and no one, not even family, notices the scars...but they all mentioned how I looked great and must have lost a bunch of weight.  My shirts fit like they should and my confidence is higher than ever, especially now that I am back lifting and working out again.  If you want to email me at, I'll answer any questions you have via email or on the phone.  Either way, I'll get you any info you need including price, meds, healing, the doctor, nurses, process, etc.   I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS DOCTOR!!!

This goes for anyone else that might read this post...

I dont sign on the discussion boards all that often anymore, so thats your quickest way to ask me anything 

Good luck with your decision, I know it was one of the best life decisions I ever made


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