Author Topic: Actually, I like bras  (Read 16435 times)

Offline mr38A

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Frankly, I like having 38 A-Bs it isn't so bad. I have some cute, lacey bras love wearing them. It's fun to be able to fill a bra (the As, the Bs almost).
My wife doesn't mind. In fact, she sometimes goes lingerie shopping with. If we're going to have breasts, let's have some fun with them.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2007, 01:12:30 PM by WishmasterK »

Offline matthew1

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Im sorry, even though it's in the acceptance part of the board, I just feel as if this guys created an account to just humilate people that have actually suffered or still are suffering from the condition.

Theirs always one c*nt that thinks gynecomastia's a joke ...

Seriously, how about you p!ss of from the board?

Offline WishmasterK

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While I don't like censoring people the original post is partially off topic. I have mailed him and asked him to edit his post so it stays on topic.

Wearing A Bra is actually on topic but, makeup, panties and crossdressing isn't.

Offline Teflon

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I like bras too. I fully fill out a 38 B.
I'm married, hetero, mid-40s. In the best shape of my life and I love my breasts.

What's with all the effin' haters around here?
Grow the eff up.

This is Acceptance.
If you don't accept your gyne, no one is holding a gun to your head making you read these posts.
Eff off.

Offline WishmasterK

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"This is Acceptance.
If you don't accept your gyne, no one is holding a gun to your head making you read these posts."


Offline Grandpa Bambu

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This is Acceptance.
If you don't accept your gyne, no one is holding a gun to your head making you read these posts.
Eff off.

Good point U make mate!

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Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Im sorry, even though it's in the acceptance part of the board, I just feel as if this guys created an account to just humilate people that have actually suffered or still are suffering from the condition.

Theirs always one c*nt that thinks gynecomastia's a joke ...

Seriously, how about you p!ss of from the board?

Dude, you need to have an open mind. There are some guys who have enjoyed their breasts from onset, or, have come to terms with them.

Don't take it so personal my man....   :P


Offline merle

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For straight guys in particular, coming to terms with having breasts often leads to an interest in cross dressing, etc. It seems to unlock the fem in them. We all cope and come to terms in our own way. I have seen this often in the questionnaires they fill on the site.


Demystifying Gynecomastia: Men with Breasts
The first book on Gynecomastia

My newest book: Facing the Truth of Your Life is very relevant to members of this forum. It could save you a lot of unnecessary pain and time.

Book books are available on Amazon. FTTOYL is also available through your local bookstore or on Audible or iTunes.

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Are you wanting me to ban someone?


Offline Teflon

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No but it would be nice if there were a way to make the Acceptance area 'restricted' to just those people who actually accept their gyne. Or at least restricted to those who tolerate acceptance. But that's impossible and ridiculous. You could age restrict this area and that would help. Seems like a lot of these haters (for lack of a better word) are angry frightened children, insecure in their own fragile/unestablished/threatened manhood, unable to brook any view that goes against their own, openly hostile and sanctimonious about acceptance. I understand where their pissy 'under siege' attitude is coming from but for fug sake turn a fugging cheek already. Haven't you got enough problems without making mine yours also?

Offline Teflon

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Ha ha - you just proved my point.

Even if I don't antagonize you, you are still threatened by my mere presence here. You big sniveling intolerant baby.

I never said anything about wearing panties, you retard. My gyne is a "medical" condition, same as yours. The only difference with me (sorry if I have to point this out once again) is that I accept the condition. That is all.

I'm not a "fetishist", I am not lurking or even looking at the other forums here.
I simply check out this (Acceptance) board from time to time hoping to find others in a situation similar to mine. I'm not a cross-dresser and I'm not trans-gender. I am just a man with gyne who is not interested in surgical removal. And wow does that anger you. All you can do is sit there and imagine me looking at your photos - which is the last thing I am interested in.

If you can't grow up maybe you should shut up.

This site exists as a support for all men with gynecomastia in all its facets. It doesn't advocate for one course of action over another (surgery vs acceptance). Like it or not, there are going to be men who accept their gyne. From the looks of things that group—a minority possibly, but not necessarily—needs more support from a site like this that you haters need a place to stew and swap stories and fret like worried hang-wringing little girls.

You are all bluster.
Literally, what the british refer to as "a big girl's blouse".

It is high time for you people to form your own board. There is no place for a fetich section on a medical board. Of course, we all know the three or four of you cannot form your own board & so must piggyback on a medical board, but who knows? maybe more will come out of the woodwork & you will get a quorum. It is well known that the presence of these picture-sucking lurkers who get pleasure from other people's pain has a very real chilling effect on the discussion there. Who knows how many more doctors will sponsor this board once the fetish sideshow breaks away.

You better face the facts. 99 out of 100 posts on this board are from frightened pissy children as you call us. Meanwhile, the truly enlightened like yourself, certainly real men in your bras and panties, cannot understand why we don't just come over and join you to swap lingerie.

« Last Edit: September 10, 2007, 08:29:11 PM by Teflon »

Offline Teflon

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You yourself a few comments up believe you should wall off the Acceptance side to protect yourself against the Haters. We agree on one thing -- separation.

Ha Ha.

I was being facetious, dummy.

Because a red banner across the word "Acceptance" would not serve as enough of a warning or deterrent to the likes of you.
Just as the word "Acceptance" itself does nothing to prevent you from posting your opinions here, i.e. your suggestion that we leave and go form our own forums.

Why are you even here? Why are you reading posts in the Acceptance area?
If you don't like that word "Acceptance" stinking up your forum maybe YOU should get out.

I personally like the site as it is, a complete resource.

The website of record.

I would even tolerate you, if I had to, to keep it exactly how it is.
Oh wait. I DO. I do tolerate you. But that doesn't mean I have be quiet for you.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2007, 09:32:09 PM by Teflon »

Offline WishmasterK

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While alot of what is being said on both sides is true. I have to say there has been way to much flaming going on on the acceptance parts of the boards, by people on both sides of the fence. All I have to say is, stop flaming, be respectful, and stay on topic. Doing these things has allowed people of different cultures and ideals to coexist for hundreds of years, I'm sure that it can work here.

Offline angel_allen

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It is high time for you people to form your own board. There is no place for a fetich section on a medical board. Of course, we all know the three or four of you cannot form your own board & so must piggyback on a medical board, but who knows? maybe more will come out of the woodwork & you will get a quorum. It is well known that the presence of these picture-sucking lurkers who get pleasure from other people's pain has a very real chilling effect on the discussion there. Who knows how many more doctors will sponsor this board once the fetish sideshow breaks away.

You better face the facts. 99 out of 100 posts on this board are from frightened pissy children as you call us. Meanwhile, the truly enlightened like yourself, certainly real men in your bras and panties, cannot understand why we don't just come over and join you to swap lingerie.

Well now we have a quorum! Im happy with my t1ts & surely with all the other posting areas in the forum, you dont have to come in here if we SO offend you!
Ive got a lot worse things to worry about in my life that if so & so is annoyed 'cos I accept that my chest is the same as half of the plantets population!


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