Author Topic: KayVee's Boy-Boob Adventure? Pix Inside, Wondering  (Read 4687 times)

Offline kayvee

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 ;) :D

Hullo. I'm KayVee, from the UK, I'm almost 19, and I worry I've got something going on in the chest dept ... finally plucked up the courage to show pictures of my chest online to complete strangers, in the hope that they'd be kind enough to see past the bleh, and somehow through the flesh and into whatever erroneous or superfluous tissues might be feasibly there. Um ...

I went to a doctor when I was younger being worried about it, he explained what it was, and told me it'd go away, and to be honest I'm wondering if it has done ... too old now to remember when it was like when I was younger.

I do remember the taunts and such though, albeit never were they about having breasts ... my main concern is the fact I have a great tendency to 'cut glass' ... my nipples are fairly puffy and prominent when tight. This is really the onyl thing I'm upset/worried/concerned about ... I think if they weren't there I could pass my gyne (if it is ...) off as muscle ... but that's for you to help me find out, eheh ...

I'm 5'11 and fairly overweight, thought not 'fat', and I'm working to lose the pudge. I can feel 'some' gland(-like-stuff?) in both my 'pecs', but I must be feeling wrong, because there's 'none' directly behind the nipple at all ... more like there's a one or two lumps off to the side of it ... wondering if it's possible to encounter 'hard' lumps that are just the compression of fatty tissue on top of itself while examining? As in, squeezing, and catching enough fat between your fingers for it to feel solid or sumthin. Either way, the lump(s) I can feel are probably about the size of a UK 50p piece. If that's gland, is that much? What exactly is 'normal' for a gland?

As I'm losing weight, it also appears to be getting better, and other people have actually commented to that effect (heh, proof the boobs are being noticed I guess ... not a good thing, but still) ...

If it is gynecomastia, I'm surprised at how much attitude makes all the difference. I'm gay, and in a world where t-shirts and pecs are scrutinised further than usual, it doesn't appear to be significantly impacting my 'romantic' life in any way ... I kind of have a bit of a reputation.  :-X That and the acne too, I shouldn't be getting up to what I'm getting up to, by social standards, hehe ;) Dunno, just wanna throw it out there that confidence goes a long way, no matter what ya look like. Keep it up. :)

The pics are taken in various angles, various poses, various when I'm tensing my pecs and not, and I took some in the least-flattering t-shirt I have in my wardrobe. :p Surprisingly, I wear a lot of shirts ...

I hope I'm not overreacting about myself, and I apologise to folks if I am, cuz me being prissy and wasting other folks' effort is never a good thing, eheh.  :( But thank you very much in advance for taking a look ... public confidence aside, it's been bugging me a lot for some time now, truth be told. The questions in my head are fairly complicated, so I'm eternally grateful to people helpin' me answer them. :)

Pix are here, album is public:

Thanks again :)
« Last Edit: April 17, 2005, 08:03:22 AM by kayvee »

Offline kayvee

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Oh, one other thing, if it makes a difference: when younger, I was a lot shorter and about as heavy (if not heavier) than i am now. Ergo, I had a lot more fat on my body, that's since been disappearing, as opposed to this just 'happening' ... if that makes any difference.

Offline Spleen

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Hey KayVee,

Honestly bro', I don't think you have gynecomastia.  You look like a perfectly normal guy.  I see that your nipple itself (not the areola) is slightly prominent, but I wouldn't have noticed if I wasn't looking hard.  As an aside, it wouldn't hurt to hit the gym.

For the record, I think I've seen on DR. Bermant's site an example of a case where he trimmed a nipple.  Again, I don't think you're anything but normal, but they can do stuff like that.

Offline There_Is_Hope

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Dude you just need to work out and do some cardio. You don't have gyno.

Offline Zardoz

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You don't look like you have Gyne, but hey, ask yourself this. Do you look in the mirror at your chest everyday and hate yourself?

Offline kayvee

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Heyas, thanks for everybody's replies.  :)

Understood. Given that people here have experience, I'm willing to happily trust that I'm free of it ... big nipples or otherwise, I can live with that.

rob: Eep, understood. Totally out of shape I am indeed ... doin' something about it tho. Last term I was hitting the gym 5 times a week for a couple hours, unfortunately due to my uni workload that's not been restarted this term ... bleh. Will do.

Zardoz: not sure what you mean ... I used to have major body issues, but have gotten over that. :p I don't particularly feel what i see in the mirror is hawt in any way shape or form, but it's more the nose I dislike than the body at the moment. :p

Offline STILLgotIT

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totally agree. you do NOT need surgery and you do NOT have gyne. you look normal.

Offline erase-it

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Lose weight first, then see if it's still there.


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Offline headheldhigh01

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the third pic to me suggests a disc larger than a 50p (about 50 cent piece equivalent US), more like 4-5 cm, and i think it was shot 7 that had a little more conicality than normal.  but agree with the others you are lucky it's not visible.  you'll want to talk to a doc from here if it's an issue for you.  
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?


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