Author Topic: Yahoo group on hypogonadism  (Read 3271 times)

Offline skyhawk

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As a sufferer of low Testosterone, I can't tell you how helpful the yahoo group on hypogonadism has been. Just like on this site, there are some guys that are very knowledgable. matters such as low testosterone and male hormonal balance.

As a result, I am now seeking qualified Testosterone replacement by a physician that knows what he is doing so I don't get gyne any worse than I have now. 

cody sockeye

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I've gotten a lot of help and encouragement from using Yahoo Answers.

Three cheers for Yahoo! Hip-hip!

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Yahoo answers is asking questions of random people.

The hypogonadism yahoo group is asking questions about hypogondal issues of men who have experience in being treated for these very issues.

Be careful what information you act upon and where it stems from.

Offline skyhawk

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Agreed. I am being VERY CAREFUL. I am still educating myself on hypogonadism treatments. Also shopping for a physician in my area that has a successful track record treating men with these issues. I know without a doubt I am suffering from low T.

Hypo, you are correct when you said I should address the hormanal imbalances first before gyne surgery.

I am very precautious since the first time I recieved TRT the doctor just sent me on my way and didn't follow up with labs to keep an eye on Estridiol. Thats when I got a minor case of gyne. I dropped the testosterone, and well, here I am talking to you.

Its interesting to see how others are being treated for low T. on the yahoo hypogonadism group.

I have to do something cause I can't live like this anymore. I have so little energy. My thyroid numbers are excellent. All tests are normal except androgen deficiency which by my understanding is a perfectly logicle explaination for my fatigue and gyne and sexual disfunction. Clearly I need qualified medical help, and I am doing everything I can to find it.

Hey Hypo, Thanx for being here. Stay with me man. 


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