Author Topic: Need information on surgery  (Read 3275 times)

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Ok, first of all, I've read that clearish liquid coming out of your nipples is a dead giveaway that you have gynecomastia. Is this true? Second, I need to know about the surgery: From prices, to recovery time, and also, right after the surgery, how long does someone remain hospitalized and can they drive themselves home, etc? Please, I'm considering on getting the surgery, but I'm only 19, and my parents are kind of against this. I'm thinking about doing it secretly... Is it even possible?

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also, I've had this since I was about 12, when I used to over weight. In the last couple of years I've lost a lot of weight to the point that I'm not even over weight anymore. What are my chances of success at first surgery? And can this thing ever come back once removed? I just want to know everything, lol. Thank you very much in advance.

cody sockeye

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I would definitely say you have gyno. Prices vary widely, on average, though, I'd say anywhere frome 3000 to 6000, depending on where you live and who you go to. You definitely want to go to someone you feel comfortable with and they know what they're doing. If they dont absolutely 100% guarantee gland removal, don't have the surgery with them. Lipo only would just be a waste of money if you really have gyno. Recovery time varies widely as well, and it really depends on what you mean by "recover". I think that after 10 days, you can do pretty much anything you want to do... (Driving, lifting stuff, etc...) But the results (your chest looking at it's full potential) may take up to a year. You cannot drive yourself home, but this surgery is an outpatient procedure. You must find someone to drive you for the first few days AT LEAST. You can make up a little white lie to a friend, tell them you're getting excess fluid drained from your chest or something like that if you're too embarrassed to say you're getting gynecomastia surgery. Parents being against it is a common problem, and it's because they don't understand the condition. Most people dont. Most people think you can just go out and work it off. It doesn't work that way. Chances at success, again, depends on who you go to for surgery. A top notch surgeon means a good chance at no revisions. A cheap one might darn you up... NOTHING IS GUARANTEED. I'm not saying cheap surgeons can't do the job right, and I'm not saying good surgeons make everything perfect all the time. If you have the money, go to a good surgeon and be safe about it. It can come back after it's removed yes. This is uncommon, but if your surgeon does not take out enough gland (or any gland, for that matter) you can still see remnants of your gynecomastia. That's why I said  that YOU MUST MAKE SURE YOUR SURGEON IS GOING TO REMOVE GLAND!!! I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. I've read many stories saying that the surgeon PROMISED to remove gland and did not, thus resulting in the gyno still being there. That's why I STRONGLY recommend going to a surgeon with EXPERIENCE and SPECIALIZES in gynecomastia.

I am not all-knowing, but if you have any questions feel free to ask.  ;)

« Last Edit: October 21, 2007, 02:41:50 AM by CodySockeye »

Offline stooge

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That was some very useful information right there. Ok, so where do I start, then? I mean, do I have to first find an endocrinologist, then get him to recommend a surgeon, and soforth? I live in the US, by the way, in Georgia, the Atlanta region. How do I find a good specialized and experienced surgeon that is guaranteed to remove all the gland?

cody sockeye

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First off, you dont want ALL of the gland removed. Doing so would cause your nips to cave in  :D

First, you should go to your primary doctor and tell him/her that you have gynecomastia and need to get your hormone levels checked. They should right out some test prescriptions and tell you where to go. I went to a lab, my insurance covered the test costs. Who you go to for surgery is completely up to you, unless you want to try to convince you insurance that your gyno affects your health. Few people have succeeded in this, which is why the surgery usually comes out of our pocket. What's your money situation? How far would you be willing to travel to get the surgery?

As far as finding the right surgeon, this could be difficult. Find someone who's nice and is actually concerned about you. That's the first thing. If he acts like he could care less, he's probably not the right guy to go to. Next, you want to ask to see before and after pictures of their gynecomastia patients. Also, you should ask how many gynecomastia surgeries they do per year. If you feel comfortable with the doctor, their experience, and their results (judging by the pictures), you should be set.

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well it's good that you're here to help, cause I wouldn't want my nipples to cave in. Will they tell me how much gland needs to be removed, or something, then? Anyway, I can't travel very far for this. Ideally, I'd like to have it done here in the Atlanta area, maybe on a sunday. And since I pretty much don't drive except for weekends, it'd give me at least 5 days with no driving to rest. I think I could manage the money part, hoping I don't get busted by my parents... Dunno what I'd say if they ask "why are $5000 missing from the bank account with the money we gave you?" As for the surgeon part, how do I find out about the best and most caring doctors in the area? Should I ask my general doctor (I believe you said I should go to my general doctor rather than an endocrinologist, right?) if he might know something? Thank you very much for your input! best wishes.

cody sockeye

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No, you need to go to your primary first to get the prescription for the tests.

Your doctor will tell you where you need to go to get your endo tests.

I'm sure there are some surgeons there in Atlanta for you. I really wish someone else would help me out here. Like I said, I'm not all-knowing :P

I havent even had my surgery yet...

Offline stooge

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got it. Thank you very much. Now, I can get started at least.

cody sockeye

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Good luck man, and keep us posted!  :)


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