Author Topic: Local or General Anesthesia  (Read 4844 times)

Offline vnayz

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Hey Guys

I have just joint this site today...i had no idea there was a support group of sorts for men effected with Gyne.. Going through the various topics and pics posted here has really helped me understand Gyne. better.

I live in New Delhi, India and have consulted with two well known plastic surgeons in the city. Both have aggreed to perform the procedure on me but what has confused me is that while one (the more well known and experianced of the two) has recommened Local Anesthesia, the other strongly recommended General siting that Local might not be totally effective and I might experiance pain during surgery which would hamper him from performing the procedure.

Please advice...whats is the general norm followed.

Also, money is an issue with me....and Iam sure they are other cheaper yet efficent doctors who preform ths procedure...could anybody please make a recommendation.


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Hey Guys

I have just joint this site today...i had no idea there was a support group of sorts for men effected with Gyne.. Going through the various topics and pics posted here has really helped me understand Gyne. better.

I live in New Delhi, India and have consulted with two well known plastic surgeons in the city. Both have aggreed to perform the procedure on me but what has confused me is that while one (the more well known and experianced of the two) has recommened Local Anesthesia, the other strongly recommended General siting that Local might not be totally effective and I might experiance pain during surgery which would hamper him from performing the procedure.

Please advice...whats is the general norm followed.

Also, money is an issue with me....and Iam sure they are other cheaper yet efficent doctors who preform ths procedure...could anybody please make a recommendation.

I prefer local anesthesia alone for anatomic nipple reduction as seen with this patient with long nipples. For almost all other gynecomastia surgery, local anesthesia with sedation provides a safer much more comfortable method.  When 2 stages are needed, as with this problem of puffy nipples and long nipples together, I perform the first stage with local sedation, and the second with local alone.

You can find an extensive individual patients' experience with comfort and my Tumescent Technique Anesthesia for gynecomastia here.

If you prefer direct links to each of those discussions:

anesthesia and comfort in gynecomastia patient from California

anesthesia and comfort after revision gynecomastia surgery in patient from Hong Kong China

comfort and anesthesia in physician's son with gynecomastia

comfort and anesthesia in gynecomastia patient from Florida

comfort and anesthesia in gynecomastia patient from Illinois

comfort and anesthesia with gynecomastia patient from Texas

comfort after gynecomastia surgery with patient from Colorado

comparing comfort and anesthesia of my revision surgery with prior gynecomastia surgery in Florida

comfort and anesthesia in patient 4 hours from Richmond with gynecomastia

parent of teenage patient with gynecomastia commenting about comfort after surgery

comfort after gynecomastia revision surgery on patient from UK

comparing comfort of my revision surgery to prior gynecomastia surgery done in NY

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Offline vnayz

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Offline im30

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Hi, i am also from Delhi, Can you tell me the Names of the Doctors and the procedures they will apply and do they belong reputed Hosps or not?


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