Author Topic: hormone tests are done. total testosterone=448.80,is it ok?  (Read 2607 times)

Offline macho

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all the tests are fine as per the pathology labs person. i am visiting my doc today evening.the tests results are as follows:-

HORMONES:- testosterone(total),serum => 448.80 ng/dl    ref range is 166 to 877 ng/dl for males below 50 years   and 156 to 563 ng/dl for males of 50 years and older

complete blood count=>ok

s. calcium   => 10.5 mg/dl    ref is   8.5 to 11

urine test => ok

thyroid hormonal studies =>
T3   => 127 ng/dl       ref is 52-185 n/dl
T4   =>   6.6  ug/dl     ref is 4.5-11.6 ug/dl
TSH =>  1.5 uiu/ml      ref is 0.3-6.1 uiu/ml

FSH level:-  2.6 mIU/ml  ref is 1  to  14  mIU /ml'

LH level :-5.9mIU/ml      ref is 0.7  to 7.4 MIU/ml

Offline skyhawk

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Offline macho

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my doc said that tests are ok but testesterone is bit less. so he gave me one 250 mg injection of testesterone. and said that i have to take 2 more weekly.
                he also said that after these injections my gyne will be less noticeable  and in 50% of the cases it works. so i might not need surgery.

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Your doctor has no idea what they are doing.

First of all testosterone should only be prescribed once a diagnosis for hypogondism has been established and he has not done that.

Secondly he has no idea of true androgen status as he has not tested for either free testosterone or SHBG.  If total testosterone is tested and a free testosterone test is not available then an SHBG is VITAL in order to ascertain the likely androgen status in men.

Thirdly he has not tested for estradiol which is crucial in the investigation of gynecomastia and hypogondism.

Fourthly the form of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) he is prescribing is completely outdated and very poor practice and will almost certainly result in a rollercoaster of highs and lows with supraphysiological levels of testosterone after the injection followed by a terrible trough of hypogondal testosterone levels in prior to the next injection.

Fifthly and most importantly to you given the gynecomastia;

Testosterone is actually as likely to increase gynecomastia as it is to decrease it.  This is something VERY well known by decent endocrinologists and was highlighted as long ago 1983 in white papers on gynecomastia.

In fact without evaluating estradiol status and by prescribing this form of TRT you are actually highly likely to greatly increase estradiol and are FAR more likely to increasingly develop gynecomastia on the treatment protocol.

Men who have hypogonadism and require TRT can greatly reduce the risk of developing gynecomastia, or pre existing gynecomastia increasing by being on frequent lower levels of testosterone and by having their endocrinologist keep a close eye on estradiol with a view to treating it with ancillary meds if required.

But basically if you wanted a recipe for increased gynecomastia then large infrequent testosterone injection is that recipe and this is a know fact.

You need to fire this endocrinologist and find a new one.

If you tell me where you live I can try and sort some contact details out for you.


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