Author Topic: help  (Read 2504 times)

Offline phoenix6570

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Im pretty sure I have it. I know that losing weight will help with it, but is there anything I can do besides surgery?  Here are my pics


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it is severe man work out well for 6 months and then go for surgery
i dont think it will go way just by exercise

is there anything I can do besides surgery? ...i doubt that..there is no other way :-\

Offline **Gynefor**

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Nothing but surgery will make it go away. Sorry mate but you've got no other choice.

Offline outertrial

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You need to lose a lot of weight, not just for the gyne but for your health. After that youll probably need some surgery to remove skin and take out whats left.

Offline phoenix6570

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How much weight should I lose before getting the surgery? Ive tried losing weight multiple times part of the problem was I always wanted to lose my breasts. When that didn't happen I would get discouraged. Whenever I would be consistent in working out I still wouldn't see much progress in that area. Im an 18 year old college student who has had this condition for all of my life. Needless to say surgery is going to be something that occurs in the future. Is there anyway I will know when ive lost enough weight, or should I find a get doctor and wait until he gives me the ok. Since I can't afford the surgery now anyway, I think this may be the best bet.

Offline 300zib

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Pics are gone re host them.

Offline FatM1ke

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Yeah, the amount of faded stretch marks on your belly indicates that you must be really big.. Might help to tell us what weight you are.
I'd say half real and half pseudo (fat), which is why they are so large. but considering the size of your belly it doesn't really stick out that much in all honesty. But yeah.. even at your size your going to need surgery to get rid of them anyway.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2007, 01:16:51 AM by Boochan »


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i would say exercise well until ur are in a position (financially) to get the surgery


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