Author Topic: Surgery with Dr. Delgato - 2 Months Post-Op.  (Read 2488 times)

Offline Falcon88

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It's been around two months since I had my surgery with Dr. Delgato. Everything is healing along perfectly, and I don't have to wait much until the numbness wears off the nipple area (it takes about three to four months).

The who surgery procedure went very smoothly. They applied a standard IV in for anesthesia, and I was out cold before I knew what was going on. I woke up a few hours later and the nurses made sure I was comfortable and pain-free. There was a little pain and difficulty in moving as I left the hospital that day, but it was nothing too severe. The few days after the surgery, I had some difficulty draining the fluid from the drains, but my mom helped me out with that. I also had a hard time falling asleep because of the drains and such. The following week, I got my drains taken out, which felt slightly uncomfortable, but absolutely painless. It's a huge relief when the drains get taken out, because you gain a lot of mobility, and that first shower felt unbelievable. I took my antibiotics and vitamins as prescribed. I was also prescribed some Vicodin (painkillers) for the pain, but there was no pain, just slight discomfort.

The next few weeks were probably the most frustrating for me. The garment was extremely itchy, to the point where I would take Vicodin just to tolerate the intense itching. To be honest, it helped, somewhat.
Eventually, the itching subsided and there was little to no discomfort. A month or so after the surgery, Dr. Delgato gave me these strips of silicon to apply to the scar tissue around the nipple. You cut a strip of silicon about the size of the scar, and you apply it on the tissue, and seal it with a Band Aid, very simple stuff, no pain.

Overall, the surgery was a huge success, and I am very happy that I got rid of this mental incarceration known as Gynecomastia.

My surgeon, Dr. Delgato is an excellent doctor, as well as an understanding and precise surgeon and humble person. Unfortunately, I don't have any before and after pictures on my computer, but I will make sure to ask him for the pictures on my next appointment.

If you guys are seeking a way out of Gynecomastia, I suggest you contact Dr. Delgato for a consultation or whatnot, you will not be disappointed.

Thanks for reading.

Offline what2do?

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great story.. congrats u have any before / after pics ?


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