Author Topic: How to support breasts without bra  (Read 12243 times)

Offline wertman

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so, I was browsing online and looking for solutions to hide my breasts since as of now I do not want the surgery

once I am a bit older, and have the money, I will

but for now I have found a solution

obviously,  Iwas not going to ever gain the courage to ever get a bra

and other options liek ace bandage or layering up was not exactly conveinent

but then I found that all you need is a ppair of paantyhoes (stalkings) and scissors

basically, you cut the crotch area and arms off

then you jsut put the remainign area under your armpits, and unwrap the material since it willtwist when you put it on

make sure that you get the cloth part over your breasts, and the top part will be slightly twisted, and you should feel a little tug on each breast

the back wull be twisted back, so dont worry about trying to get it down

then put a hsirt on, and it should flatten your chest, with  no straps or bulges sticking out liek a bra would

it helps even if you jsut have pufffy nipples

basically, its like a breast band, or a bra thats not a bra

it shouldnt be visible as long as your shirt isnt white and thin

Offline WishmasterK

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Seems like a lot of work... Im glad you found something that works for you but I think I would rather wear something like this
On the rare occasion I want to hide my chest that is...

Offline wertman

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It sounds a lot harder than it is

and I forgot to point out it probably wont work if your over a size B

I wear it becasue it is very inexpensive, and only because I am looking for a gf at the moment

other than that, I think im am just gonna keep my breasts

As lon as they stay at an A - B size, I wont have troubles

Offline WishmasterK

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I think you should just consider getting one of the products I mentioned for multiple reasons. One there not very expensive, I saw the one above on sell at wallmart for less than $10, just buy a size too small for you and you will be set. And another thing is what what you going to do if you meet a girl at a time your not planning and you end up taking your shirt off? What going to look weirder some nylons or the shirt?

On another note having breasts isn't going to, buy itself keep you from getting a girlfriend. I have way bigger breasts than you and im still young and I have had many girlfriends. And even a few FwB's. It's more likely that the lack of self confidence you may be expressing do to you having breasts is coming across to the ladies. And nothing helps more than self-confidence!

Offline angel_allen

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I see the product mentioned is just a T shirt. Better than that is a support T shirt. I know they are meant for girls but if you can get your head round the fact that they will hold your breasts flat then buy one! I have several & although Ive not got an issue with my titties they do get uncomfortable when I run or do sports.
Try Adidas, Nike, sprtsjock etc. :D

Offline WishmasterK

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it's actually a compression shirt. Even though on that website it may not say so except its pullover instead of Velcro. And it's not because it's meant for girls because if that was the case I wouldn't have bras and sports bras. Just the way hes doing it is inconvenient.

Offline Jahshua

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  • There is life after Gynecomastia
Hmmm, I always just wore an undershirt. I also made sure that the outer shirts I bought didn't make my gyne stand out too much. However, my gyne was not as severe as some guys.

The whole pantyhose thing is creative, and I see how it could work. So whatever makes you happy :)

On the gf issue; I don't think most girls mind too much about the gyne. I think we guys make a much bigger deal out of it than most ladies. I've had a lot of gf over the years, and none of them thought I was a freak. Well, yes they did, but not because of my gyne  ;) Besides, think of how embarrassing it would be to take your shirt off in front of a lady friend and her first impression of you is a homemade pantyhose shirt. Most females understand gyne, but the pantyhose thing could - umm - kill the mood?
Here's my doc's web page:

Offline WishmasterK

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On the gf issue; I don't think most girls mind too much about the gyne. I think we guys make a much bigger deal out of it than most ladies. I've had a lot of gf over the years, and none of them thought I was a freak. Well, yes they did, but not because of my gyne  ;) Besides, think of how embarrassing it would be to take your shirt off in front of a lady friend and her first impression of you is a homemade pantyhose shirt. Most females understand gyne, but the pantyhose thing could - umm - kill the mood?

Ditto on this whole paragraph!


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