Author Topic: Two questions! 1. good doc in South Africa, 2. non-surgery options  (Read 9090 times)

Offline Chad

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Need your help. I am now 35 years old, and gynecomastia has been an issue for me since I was a child. I ve always dealt with it in good humor... but now thinking of doing something.

I live in Southern Africa and South Africa is the most logical place for me to go. There was one guy saying something about Pretoria, can you please recommend a good doctor. Money is not an issue as I have the best international insurance.

I am deathly scared of surgery. The closest I have ever come to surgery is a tooth extraction. Has any body any experience with other options? What about this stuff Andractin. Any opinion?


Offline theblues

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I am deathly scared of surgery. The closest I have ever come to surgery is a tooth extraction. Has any body any experience with other options? What about this stuff Andractin. Any opinion?

Sorry pal, nothing helps.  :-[

Losing weight and staying in shape can reduce the fat a bit thus making your gyne smaller, but it won't go away. The only other thing that helps in terms of your chest appearing normal is wearing a tight undergarment so your chest looks flat - of course that's not always an option, certainly not in the summer.
And drugs won't help, surgery is sadly the only way to go.
I'm unbelievably afraid of it as well, I was completely hyped when I was getting checked by the doctor, getting my hormone results etc. but now that I have to schedule the exact date I got cold feet and still haven't called the doc. I'm actually considering not doing surgery, and I hope that doesn't happen.  :-\

Offline bwconstruction

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Hi Chad, just wanted to know if you found a doctor in SA, i am in Durban and would like to see a doctor about my Gyne, can you help?

082 413 4374


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