Author Topic: Gyn and weight training.  (Read 2913 times)

Offline sammy3030

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Hi all, I'm glad i found this site, its very helpfull.

Can someone pls help with the following. I haven't been diagnosed but I'm fairly sure i have Gyn, it stares me in the face each morning. Growing up in my teens wasn't bad, hardly any boobs really but in my early 20's was when they started. Now they about a handfull. I lost a lot of weight a year or so ago, and they got a little smaller but still there. Anyway, Ive gained a bit of weight again and they seem bigger than they were originally! Heres my question, would weight training firm them up? I know it wont get rid of them but if I'm stuck with them can i get them to look good, if you know what i mean lol, a built chest instead of a flabby one! Id like to get into weight training i just wonder if its worth it.

Offline wildman

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My experience has been that if it is mostly a fat issue as yours sound like weight training helps.  You have to get your pecs built up huge though.  If you can get them built up huge you can almost hide the gyne.  The fat pockets will still be there but with a shirt on people will just think you have very built up pecs.  If you have gland weight training may make it more obvious.  You won't know until you try it.

Offline RyanMace

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If it's mostly gland, it'll get a "push-out"-effect.

Offline Worrier

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I have seen pro body builders with  glandular gyne and to me it doesn't look half as bad as a man who is severely out of shape. I don't see how it would make it noticeably worse if you did a good well balanced wieght training programe. Get rid of it ? no but  make it less noticeable due to overall muscle bulk? possible.

That of course assumes your gyne is glandular rather than fat. If it is fat or mainly fat than a good balanced fitness programme with cardio. weights  and a good diet you could see very good results.

Offline moobius

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as the pectoral muscles take shape, the gynecomastia becomes much more noticable. maybe not to everyone else, but at the very least to the guy doing all that hard work to shape his body.  that fact alone is very discouraging as you try to improve your physique.

Offline matthias

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It can go either way.  Some guys with severe gyno start working out hardcore, building muscle and losing weight, and they find it gets where it doesnt bother them anymore.  Some guys get worse.  I would ALWAYS try working out and losing fat first before surgery.  I cant believe how many pics I see on here of guys post op who have NO muscle tone.  I mean come on, we dont all have to be bodybuilders, but we do need to be men... lets get physically fit.  Have you ever looked at pics of your grandfather and his friends when they were your age? I did and it made me wake up... none of them were bodybuilders but they were all in awesome shape and looked good with shirts off... because they didnt sit on their arses all day like we do.  technology and fast food are killing us guys.

Offline manic91m9

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this is something you should try as every case is different and no one can say how it will make you look. i have seen people who have gained muscle on this site and being happy with their chests after that and there also seem to be those who say it made it more obvious. the thing that will help you know for sure how much is gland or fat is to lose weight, when u say "firm up" im assuming u have some fat there because my glands weren't particularly soft? and i could clearly feel they were separate from fat and muscle.


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