Author Topic: Think i have Gynecomastia?  (Read 7286 times)

Offline Alfa

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Its been 1 month since ive been here, all i have been doing is eating right, benching, pushups, etc.
I know weigh 165lbs, lost 15 pounds, and i can tell where i lost the weight. As my stomach is getting smaller, i havent noticed a difference in my chest, so as i may fear, i probably have gynecomastia. 1 more month of hard working, running, and working out at my schools pavilion, ill be able to tell for sure. I will keep yall updated  ;D
Have you followed your progress with pictures? If not, I think you should do that. Mirrors lie, especially when all you think about every day is your breasts. With good before and after pictures you might see some improvement, which is good for motivation.

I don't know if my situation is relevant here since the doctor has told me my gyne is fat, but something I noticed when loosing fat(about 75lbs) was that it took a lot longer for the chest to shrink. However, eventually my breast became much smaller. Not that I have ever gotten rid of it, but diet and exercise has at least made dramatic improvements. However, since you already have a normal weight it will unfortunately be more difficult for you. All i'm trying to say though, is that you might be makin improvements without really seeing it. And, in any case, you should not give up on diet and exercise. If you eventually get surgery you will get better results the more fit you are. So it's always a good thing to get your body into good shape; bot short term - with the gynecomastia issue - and long term - with all the health benefits that you get from exercise.

Offline Alfa

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I've been there, my friend.  Best thing you ever did was tell your dad.  You've laid the groundwork for years to come.  I wouldn't recommend surgery right away (listen to yoru dad for now).  But, you may want to consider it in a few years.  Whatever you do, if it bothers you for years to come, the more life goes on, the more you'll wish you would have taken care of it earlier in life.
I agree, it's very good that you have your dads support here. Don't do like me, and probably many others, and keep your problems to yourself. It will just build up and cause morbid thoughts... I would also recommend talking to a psychologist. I don't know if you feel you need it but I think that at your age a professional could be of great help. It's not just about living with it, but it's also about not letting it hold you back. Too many people already spend their lives in fear and anxiety, don't become like that.

Off the top of my head I would also like to offer another piece of valuable advice. One important aspect in kids social lives, aside from not holding back and actually learning valuable social skills, is... well, fashion. Now you should not misunderstand this. I'm not suggesting you start dressing to "fit in" or anything stupid like that, and i'm also not suggesting you should freak out and "express yourself". However, one big problem for us guys with gynecomastia is, obviously, clothing. Of course this gets harder the more gyne you have. Also alot of us have probably made some really bad choices regarding clothing, at some point or another.

Now here's the deal; we can all apply our minds to this and make wise choices(or atleast less bad, if want to look at it that way). So, learn a little bit about fashion and clothing, and find out what works for you. Loose clothes is not always the best way to go either. If you dress intelligently you will not only make the gyne less apparent but clothes can also project confidence and a good sense of taste.

I can give you a concrete example from my own experiences. When I was younger I always dressed in very loose fitting clothes, thinking it would hide my gyne. Later I have realized it probably made things worse. Nowadays i'm much more well dressed. I might look terrible in a tight t-shirt, but with a well fitted shirt over it it's a completely different story. Combined with a jacket or something on top of it I can be pretty comfortable with the way I look. This is just from putting on a few layers of clothes, which fit very well. Darker colors can help very well too.

This is just an example of what works well for me, and probably many others too. It's not necessarily the right way for you, that's something you need to find out for yourself. Just put a little money and effort into it and I think you can make things a lot easier.

Offline Jdowg

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Have you followed your progress with pictures? If not, I think you should do that. Mirrors lie, especially when all you think about every day is your breasts. With good before and after pictures you might see some improvement, which is good for motivation.
I have followed my progress with pictures. My stomach is much much flatter, but im not trying to see improvements on my stomach. Everyday im not looking into just loosing fat, or trying, in my chest area, every day, im just doing the same routine, sticking with my workouts, making sure i eat right, dont eat alot at once.

And about the fashion part, i dont wear loose clothing, and i dont wear tight clothing either. My clothing fits me fine, and you can hardly tell that, if i do, have gyne. I have confidence anywhere, when it comes to swimming, or hot summer days, thats what drags me down. So im trying todo whatever it takes to look, but most importantly, feel better and get more confidence in myself.

Offline CodySockeye

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TALK TO YOUR PARENTS ASAP. JUST SWALLOW YOUR PRIDE AND DO IT. I did it last year, and trust me, it feels great. im sure they will understand, but sometimes they deny it which could be a real pain to deal with. you definitely have some gyno which could easily be knocked out by surgery. depending on how long you had it, your hormones, etc, will decide if surgery is right for you at this point in time. I'm 15 and already looking into surgery and i've had it for 6 years at least. I've heard some as young as 12 having successful gynecomastia surgery. Get it taken care of, tell your parents. You won't regret it!!!

Offline Jdowg

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lol? ive already talked to my parents, ive lost weight to tell if it was just fat or not, seems not to be, afraid i got gyne, but i havent talked about getting it checked by the doctor, witch im probably gonna do in a week

Offline blarg

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right ask your doctor to check your hormones, and make sure they give you results. I went for a physical a while back, and asked him if he could check my hormones and t levels and stuff too, and he took the tests, but said if i dont hear anything back, they're normal. well got my blood drawn and everything, but never heard back, so just make sure they will call you and tell you, even if its normal. i probably shouldve called back to check, but o well, that was a while ago.

Offline Jdowg

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Ive got a question, might as well ask it here aswell. If i do under go surgery, will i have to postpone any of my hobbies? For example, im racing stock cars, around a dirt track, and i have to fasten in, well i gotta fasten tight so i dont have any problems if i get into a crash, would tight seat belts going down my chest affect anything? again this will have to be something i will have to ask my doctor

Offline CodySockeye

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lol? ive already talked to my parents, ive lost weight to tell if it was just fat or not, seems not to be, afraid i got gyne, but i havent talked about getting it checked by the doctor, witch im probably gonna do in a week

sorry i didnt read the whole post so i just assumed you havent haha woops!

Offline Jdowg

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Yea ive talked to em, gonna talk to em tommorow, actually tonight lol, cant sleep, but im gonna talk to em today about going to the doctor and getting my hormones checked out.

Offline sj jordan

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man you have it for show. it no a big deal. good luck.     sj jordan or serkiah jerel jordan

Offline Jdowg

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Well im going to still workout until summer time. And im going to get it checked on. I've researched about Robert S. Hamas located in Dallas, Texas, and heard some bad things. If anyone is located in Texas that has had surgery, who have you gone to? Who do you suggest? I really hope i can get this done at the beggining of summer so i can get some time in the sun.  ;D


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