Author Topic: Any Bodybuilders with (Non-Steroid) related gyne on here?  (Read 8272 times)

Offline PaulSW

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I have competed and for quite a while my chest size hid the extent of my problem.

I went to see my GP when i was 21 and he told me not to loose any muscle because it would become more noticable (very helpful)

I am now in my 30's and after my moobs increased again (no steroid use just getting older) I  had them done (see uk forum for pics).

I don't want to compete any more but I have noticed the 12 years of chest training with gyne has left me with an imbalanced chest since the surgery. It seems to have affected my exercise choice. Now it's gone (largely) I have had to change my chest training lets hope its less years to address the imbalance.
Surgery DEC 07 Dr Benito
Revision March 09 Dr Benito
Injection for scar tissue March 2011 Dr Levick

Pictures -

Offline headheldhigh01

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the imbalance to check in on if it's coming back that early is hormones, sounds like a visit to an endocrinologist could possibly give useful info. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Blue2

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Hiya mate. I am now 33 (nearly 34!) and have had gyne since I was in my mid teens. Sadly for me it didn't disappear as I got older and so I have had to live with it for all of my adult life. I started bodybuilding at the age of 18 but never had any aspirations to compete and the sole purpose was to try and hide the gyne as much as I could. Sadly for me this did not really work as I think my case is too sever for that. I did manage to get down to around 15% BF (at a guess!) but because my main problem is related to glandular tissue and puffy nipples, I just ended up with what looked like small pointy bitch breasts! I am sure the other guys at the gym thought I was on steroids, although I think it was quite obvious that I wasn't due to my size (or lack of it). I did manage to get in to pretty good shape but my gyne left me miserable and forever in fear of having to remove my shirt, I just couldn't do it and still can't. So now I am at the point of considering surgery but after reading many reports on here, I am starting to wonder whether it is worth the hassle.  :( I really want this out of my life but also feel that there are too many possibilities of things going wrong. Can anyone give me some reassurance that surgery is the way forward?
Surgery: 18/03/08
Plastic surgeon: Alex Karidis
Location: London, UK

Offline domsnips

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You will see in a thread that I started called pissed off was me talking about the problem that I have faced it seems like the people that are over weight will turn to you and simply say you do not need surgery I would kill to have a chest like you but the problem is that we are lifting weights we are cardio training striving to get in the best shape that we can be in and there is one thing that is holding us back and of course that is the gyne. I think it is worse for us bodybuilders because we are looking for perfection when it comes to our body and gyne stands in the way. So to me it is much worse being fit and having gyne then being overweight and having gyne.
It actually effected me that much that I stopped training I started to think well what is the point in exercising and still not being able to show it off well I have come to the conclusion that training was not for others it was for me and me only yes it would be great to show it off but the thrill of it all is the self accomplishment that knowing what you have done and the hours spent lifting has paid off.
Well I am going into a cutt for the next 12 weeks as this is as long as it going to take to save the money and get the surgery I hope it all works and the gyne is gone for ever.

Offline fed-up

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Good luck mate, - its true what your saying about "Looking For Perfection", I'm hoping to get surgery before summer - so that i can recover over the 3 months off over summer till i go back to uni, However for the time being im in a cutting phase trying to get in the best shape possible before surgery, I cant say that its stopped me training, however it does have significant impact on me, constantly looking in the mirror in the gym... etc etc, i cant wait till i can train topless in the gym! Everyday i think, one less day until i get surgery - its the only thing that keeps me positive in my training.
Surgery performed by Alex Karidis - 11/09/08

Offline domsnips

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Fed-up I really feel for you mate as a lot of people will on this site I think that exercise is so important but I also think that looking good and self confidence is important to so I think the problem is trying to juggle these two. We as bodybuilders are trying to acheive all of these things at the same time and sometimes it can cause great frustration and as I said before I stopped training there for a while because of this. Now I fully understand what I have to do and that is just get the surgery and be done with it. Think how good you would feel if you did not have gyne when you look into the mirror and you can concentrate on your pump and not on the puffy nipples ahead when I can do this I will be the happiest man alive.


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