Author Topic: rate this plz!  (Read 3149 times)

Offline elcazador

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i know its 'small' but it really bothers me, i first noticed it a little over 1 month ago, im 17 years old. im 23% BF, any   suggestions?

Offline latediagnosis

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looks like you got puff nips, you may have a bit of fat.. since its pretty minor there is a chance that losing weight will help you, so i'd try that first, then if you're still unhappy consider other options.

Offline WishmasterK

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Users on this board should note that flaming is against the board rules, thanks.

Offline headheldhigh01

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can you ask merle to check if triplex's ip is the same as that of angelallen or blatino or any other banned users?  i think the rest of his posts might be worth scanning through too to make sure they comply with terms of use. 

el, i thought you posted these pics somewhere else on the board.  replied to you there.  you have it, not as bad as some but enough to make you investigate and come here.  if it's not gone in a year or two you'll have to decide for yourself if you're willing to live with it or not. 


* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline fed-up

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ye mate.. loosing weight would definetly improve them, or if not, atleast you'l have lost weight  ;D Its not as bad as some, but enough to notice. Good luck mate!
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