Author Topic: Surgery with Karidis tomorrow but i've made a terrible blunder...  (Read 3453 times)

Offline Hadenough

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Hi guys,

Am panicking bigtime. I have my surgery first thing tomorrow - been in a bit of a panic, wanting everything to be right and decided yesterday to shave my chest to give him a clear view of what he was doing. Bad move. I've woken up this morning having come out in stubble rash (y'know the sort some people get when they shave their neck) and now i'm in a blind panic surgery's gonna be cancelled because they'll see it as some sort of infection, y'know - everything has to be clean and healthy in an operating room.

Am i overthinking this? I am a bit of a worrier, or have i just f**ed up bigtime?

Only just recovered from a cold i thought was gonna put pay to the surgery...and now this! Can't believe it.

Anyway, here's a pic:


Offline Toby1971

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If you mean Monday I guess you'll miss this post, but just in case you mean Tuesday then don't worry. I did exactly the same thing & got a bad rash, particularly under my armpits but also a bit around my chest. They wont think its an infection if you tell them its a shaving rash. You do get to talk with them you know!

Offline PaulSW

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I had a cold and shaving rash (where shaved didn't do the whole chest)

It made no difference to the surgery

Hope all goes well
Surgery DEC 07 Dr Benito
Revision March 09 Dr Benito
Injection for scar tissue March 2011 Dr Levick

Pictures -

Offline Hadenough

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Hey guys, thanks for the replies. Yeah it's tomorrow (Tuesday) so will make sure they know it's from shaving. Feel like a pillock for doing it as i normally have a decent rug and, for the life of me, don't know why i bothered. I look more like a spotty plucked chicken! Ha ha, anyway just an extra thing to worry my head about.

Anyway, thanks for helping to put my mind at ease.

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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I did exactly the same.  On the morning of my surgery I made a right mess of my underarms when I shaved them.  I explained it to the surgeon when I got to the hospital and it made no difference to the surgery going ahead.

God luck for tomorrow.

Surgery performed by Mr Levick at The Priory Hospital Bimingham (UK) 20th October 2006

Offline kingboob

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Well, I assume you had the surgery already now?  hope you are recovering well m8.

I am 6 days post-op myself, I think I am the only person who didn't have to shave pre surgery?

I was with Levick myself and I did not shave pre-op and I came out post op with all my hair in place everywhere...

so obviously shaving isn't needed every time.

Offline Hadenough

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Hey chaps. Yup, back home to Manchester about an hour ago. Long day. Absolutely shattered. Time for a Tramadol and bed i think!

All went as well as poss. 38grams gland, 340mls fat in total. The aneasthatist, the surgical nurse and, especially, the ward nurses were mega kind and attentive, Sky Sports 1 in my room was a bonus and, of course, Karidis is the man - he was more than happy to sift through a raft of (the same questions) before he drew the magic marker over me. Didn't even flutter at the razor rash either, which i was worrying about. QUICK TIP TO ANY GUYS THINKING BOUT SHAVING POST-OP - DON'T BOTHER, TRUST ME, WELL NOT WORTH THE STRESS!

Went down first (8.05ish) and was awake and in recovery by 9.15! Dad picked me up 4.00pm. Had a bit of a prod and a poke, once the anaesthetic wore off, through the vest and opp pads and although i can't tell exactly, the signs seem encouraging.  Shitting it for my first shower tomorrow when i see for the first time what's what properley! Was told by Chantel (AK's massively beautiful asst) this avo that it should look better than before, even at this stage - so fingers crossed! Just gotta wait the dreaded 6 weeks for the first 'true' results and i just hope i don't drown in a sea of paranoia and doubt before then!


Will keep y'all updated i'm sure. How are you 6 days in Kingboob? (but not any more hopefully!)

Got to attempt to go to bed head above heart now...hummm comfortable!
« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 06:39:41 PM by Hadenough »

Offline Blue2

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Well done mate. Hope your recovery goes well. Sounds like Karidis is the man to do my op from what I have heard.
Surgery: 18/03/08
Plastic surgeon: Alex Karidis
Location: London, UK


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