Author Topic: Testosterone Therapy Update  (Read 38383 times)

Offline skyhawk

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I believe Matthew1 is doing the right thing here. It would be nice to know the reason T is low, but finding that reason doesn't mean its fixable. (Like the thyroid) Odds are he would need TRT anyway.

Matthew, I appreciate all your updates on this site. Your taking the time to update guys on your progress will be helpful to us all. 


Offline rockin813

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  Rockin, yes I  go to the I go to this site daily, if thats the one you mean

 Why do you  think all these  HRT docs are out of network?  my GUESS is they  are specialist, they know there is a demand, and  make more money  net being part of the  insurance system.

         Listen,  my thyroid has been  underactive   for 30 years, no doctor  ever  looked  for the reason there. I just assumed  my  thyroid was  simply not working correctly , a defect that good not be corrected on its own
     I assume my  test and cortisal levels are whacked  because thats just the way I am built/ programed

that's a bodybuilding forum that im on also.  im sure u see a lot of posts from pmgamer on there. ask him about the yahoo forum...he'll tell u about it.

as for TRT...i hope it continues to beneifit u.  i just know it can be a roller coaster trying to balance E2 and T.  arimidex too much and ur screwed as too low E2 is as bad as too high with regards to libido.

i wish u continued success.
We're all made up different...but can learn from one another...

Offline ThatMethD1guy

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I think you and I corresponded just before either of us jumped in with both feet on the HRT. I also seem to have more energy and less depression but I am reserving judgment..... as I also know the placebo effect IS REAL. I have lost weight and gotten more defined since HRT (allthough this  was not a primary objective).

I originally suspected my symptoms were associated with an over the counter prohormone i took (meth1d) and then eventually came to understand that the propecia i was on was much much more suspicious. I stopped propecia around the same time as HRT so now I cant be sure as to wheather the positive changes are form the HFT or from stopping propecia.

I cant really find any horror storied associated with HRT (other that the testicle atrophy thing) which supposedly can be mitigated with HCG (which i am also on)

I will keep you posted

Offline ThatMethD1guy

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regarding mercury:

...the HRT doctor saw a high mercury marker in my blood so i am also chelating with DSMG (in addition to all that other stuff i am swallowing, injecting, drinking and rubbing into my skin)

I should also point out the opposing point of view for heavy metal testing: which is that traditional doctors say it is impossible to test for mercury, and that all this stuff is nonsense.

In my case I was so tired and depressed I had NOTHING TO LOSE so I am subjecting myself to a pretty comprehensive compliment of hormones and other elixirs.

Offline matthew1

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  I agree,  with depression and feeling poorly  you get to  the point where you will try anything.
        I think  my  very low testosterone  level,  my  high estrodiol levels  .   my cortisol score, low t3,  caused my depression  all along.
         Freaking anti depression  meds are  MUCH MUCH MUCH  worse then  HRT  is for me.
        AD meds nearly impossible to get off of, I joined another  website just to learn how to  taper of them,  freaking  physc. dosc are  clueless on the real effects of AD meds.
         I started HRT out of a medical neccessity,  not to improve  my results in the gym.
        I can say   depression is lifting  for the first time  in 30 years ,  I am  getting  a little gain in the gym too.
            To early to tell what the end result  will be   but I am  optimistic, or should I say   very positive that I am on the right course.
       WE MUST BE OUR ON ADVOCATE  AND ASK  DOCTOR THE RIGHT QUESTIONS, if  you do not look after yourself no one will.
         Working out has help a lot also.
  I will keep posting my  updates as time goes by

Offline skyhawk

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Hey guys,

Matthew's testimony supports that male hormonal balance can have alot to do with mood and how you feel. Its not just a gynecomastia issue. When hormones are out of balance it effects everything, including our relationships.

It is my opinion, that too many physicians are too quick to prescribe an AD drug to treat the symptoms, and do not even look for the underlying problem. This is fueled in part by the tremendous marketing drive of the giant drug companies to sell anti-depressants.

During Matthews previous doctor visits, A sharp physician would have observed the gynecomastia and run the correct labs including testosterone and Estradiol. The resulting 4/1 T/E2 ratio would have then explained the gyno and matthew's other symptoms. But that didn't happen.

Matthew changed his lifestyle. He sought out a physician who is adressing his hormones. A physician who understands the importance of controlling estrogen with TRT as well as Thyroid T4/ T3 balance.

Matthew took control of the situation. Way to go Matt! I am in your cheering section and looking forward to your updates. This is gonna be very interesting.


Offline matthew1

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 thank you skyhawk....

  I was introduced to this site  below  from some one online here

  there  is tons of info  on HRT therapy. Frankly all the  information is a bit overwhelming and I can  not grasp it all . So, I put a   ad on  craigslists  to hire someone to gather and decipher   the info. I am interviewing the  MANY respondents  i  recieved.

 here is the ad
knowledge in hormone treatment
Reply to:
Date: 2008-03-08, 2:54PM EST

I am looking for someone that can understand my blood work results and explain them to me. My  doctors are busy to answer all my questions
Specifically, my doc has me on hormone replacement therapy . I belong to a website where I get different information about what treatment I should get.
I want someone that explain to me information I forward to them related to hormones
a] I have blood results from test
b] I am on hormones to help correct blood test results
c] I get conflicting reports from knowledgeable people that suggest a different courses of action

I need someone that understands, testosterone, cortisol, t3 , t4, estradiol, thyroid issues to a point to where they can explain some things to me. I have doctors but they do not have time to explain , nor do they want to hear info from a website
I am not looking for medical advice, just some one with excellent knowledge on hormone issues that can put things in simpler terms.
I will pay good cash for your time. I have resources to pay whats needed, just need a good answer person that can field my questions

contact I am a 44 year old male


Offline matthew1

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  freaking nips

  finished a decent work out in my basement, nothing tremendous  mind you,   but  some good  curls and  benc press and sit ups. While  doing   curls, I glance in the mirro and  see   some definition in my arms, I am thinking, wow I actually got a nice  bicep. My nips are  hard fromall the  working out, got a sleevless shirt, I am think ing  with surgery ,  keep working out, maybe I can take my shirt off this summer.
  I go sit down in a chair, freaking  nips  relax and stick out  luck 1/2 golf balls under my shirt. Look like a  12 years old  girl chest when they start to develop.
       I  get  upset and bummed and say forget this  new  booze, nicotine free lifestyle, stop working out,  hide out under clothes  for the next 20 years it just aint worth.

     thanks for listening ,  I am done crying :'( :'(

Offline skyhawk

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Any accomplishment worth while will push a person to their limits. Keep your eyes focused on the finish line. Don't give up. The gyno can and will be corrected with surgery. You can do it man.

Focus on stage one. (Getting your hormones in balance) Then stage two  (surgery) is not far down the road.

It would be pointless to have done surgery with a 4 to 1 T/E2 ratio. I would bet money the gyno would have come come back.

Your doing the right thing. Stay the course my Friend.

Offline skyhawk

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There are other ways to lower Estradiol than just arimidex. DIM, zinc, reducing body fat, eliminating exposure to chemicles that mimic estrogens.

When estrogen goes down, testosterone goes up. Some guys are able to increase their testosterone just by controlling estrogen through the things I mentioned above.

Some guys may do a combination. Like 1/4 pill Arimidex every 3 days, plus DIM and Zinc. Gotta do what works best for each individual.

Of course thyroid hormone also has an impact on steroid sex hormones. The only thing I am curious about, is if Matthew's doctor addressed the low T3 first, then waited to see if there was an improvement in the other numbers, would his testosterone/estradiol ratio improved? I can't say for sure. 

Offline rockin813

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thank you skyhawk....

  I was introduced to this site  below  from some one online here

  there  is tons of info  on HRT therapy. Frankly all the  information is a bit overwhelming and I can  not grasp it all . So, I put a   ad on  craigslists  to hire someone to gather and decipher   the info. I am interviewing the  MANY respondents  i  recieved.

 here is the ad
knowledge in hormone treatment
Reply to:
Date: 2008-03-08, 2:54PM EST

I am looking for someone that can understand my blood work results and explain them to me. My  doctors are busy to answer all my questions
Specifically, my doc has me on hormone replacement therapy . I belong to a website where I get different information about what treatment I should get.
I want someone that explain to me information I forward to them related to hormones
a] I have blood results from test
b] I am on hormones to help correct blood test results
c] I get conflicting reports from knowledgeable people that suggest a different courses of action

I need someone that understands, testosterone, cortisol, t3 , t4, estradiol, thyroid issues to a point to where they can explain some things to me. I have doctors but they do not have time to explain , nor do they want to hear info from a website
I am not looking for medical advice, just some one with excellent knowledge on hormone issues that can put things in simpler terms.
I will pay good cash for your time. I have resources to pay whats needed, just need a good answer person that can field my questions

contact I am a 44 year old male


so wait....ur getting treatment for your hormones using prescription type medication, yet you have no confidence in what they are telling you (or they are not telling you enough yet you still take the meds) that you are looking to craig's list for somone who will explain it all to you. 

your original post talked so highly of this lab and Dr.  now you are resorting to craig's list?  what happened??????

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I  have spent over 62,000 in nicorrete  gum  over  a 11  year period!!! 11 years at $110 per week is $62,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry to hijack the thread but....  Isn't Nicorette supposed to be a 'temproary' aid for smoking cessation? 

Eleven years...???

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline matthew1

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I  have spent over 62,000 in nicorrete  gum  over  a 11  year period!!! 11 years at $110 per week is $62,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry to hijack the thread but....  Isn't Nicorette supposed to be a 'temproary' aid for smoking cessation? 

Eleven years...???

 Nicotine is very addictive. I  had no urgency to  stop the  nic gum, it is not cancerous  like the chew I was doing . Nic  gum is supposed to be a 12 week  program, NOT.... Lots of  folks are addicted to the gum , lozenges , inhaler etc..


Offline matthew1

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thank you skyhawk....

  I was introduced to this site  below  from some one online here

  there  is tons of info  on HRT therapy. Frankly all the  information is a bit overwhelming and I can  not grasp it all . So, I put a   ad on  craigslists  to hire someone to gather and decipher   the info. I am interviewing the  MANY respondents  i  recieved.

 here is the ad
knowledge in hormone treatment
Reply to:
Date: 2008-03-08, 2:54PM EST

I am looking for someone that can understand my blood work results and explain them to me. My  doctors are busy to answer all my questions
Specifically, my doc has me on hormone replacement therapy . I belong to a website where I get different information about what treatment I should get.
I want someone that explain to me information I forward to them related to hormones
a] I have blood results from test
b] I am on hormones to help correct blood test results
c] I get conflicting reports from knowledgeable people that suggest a different courses of action

I need someone that understands, testosterone, cortisol, t3 , t4, estradiol, thyroid issues to a point to where they can explain some things to me. I have doctors but they do not have time to explain , nor do they want to hear info from a website
I am not looking for medical advice, just some one with excellent knowledge on hormone issues that can put things in simpler terms.
I will pay good cash for your time. I have resources to pay whats needed, just need a good answer person that can field my questions

contact I am a 44 year old male


so wait....ur getting treatment for your hormones using prescription type medication, yet you have no confidence in what they are telling you (or they are not telling you enough yet you still take the meds) that you are looking to craig's list for somone who will explain it all to you. 

your original post talked so highly of this lab and Dr.  now you are resorting to craig's list?  what happened??????

 I think the lab and doctor are good. But  I  need to decide  the  questions I want to  ask the doctor. The more I read here the more confused I get.   
   I am not sure the  exact  wording of  my question to the doctor.   For instance ARMOIR thyroid, vs  synthroid,   t4. t3  what the  hell is all that about/?  I thought T3 was a  terminator  movie.
         I need   some knowledge on the basics, I  cant  expect the doc to explain everything. I  am   going to hire  someone I can call whenever I want, i  addition to   my doctors

Offline matthew1

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Funny you mention depression skyhawk. In addition to being caused by low testosterone, it's also a known side effect of the estrogen blocking medication. The very one Matthew is taking in fact.

When it comes to trying to correct this kind of hormone problem you're either d@mned if you do and d@mned if you don't. The only difference is, if you go for the "d@amned if you do" option you'll have to spend a lot more money.

QUOTE  ''Funny you mention depression skyhawk. In addition to being caused by low testosterone, it's also a known side effect of the estrogen blocking medication. The very one Matthew is taking in fact.''
Crap, thats the first I heard of this.


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