Author Topic: One More Story, 4/15 Surgery  (Read 43152 times)

Offline Noseguard

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I just found this board not long ago.

At the age of 40 with pretty severe G, you would think I would be better educated about my own condition.

I recall about a year ago seeing, while just channel surfing, a special on the Discovery Chanel about Gynecomstia.  Can you believe that is the first time I realized there was an actual medical condition for this?  I feel stupid.  The reason never looked into it is because I have always battled weight issues, and thought that if I lost the weight the G would go.  I know better now.

I started getting in shape last fall.  Seriously in shape, major workouts, serious diet....the works.  With every pound I dropped came the realization that no matter what I did my man boobs were here to stay.

It has been a steady build to this day, the day I start my diary here.  I guess you could say today is a significant day in my journey, though not the first, and not close to the last, but significant nontheless.  To get to this day I had surf countless medical sites about the causes of G.  I had to read articles about magic treatments, and then more articles about how they are scams.  I had to google for plastic surgeons in my area.  Look at UTube movies of the surgery to correct G.  And somewhere along the way I stumbled across this site.  Not sure where in my journey or how I found it, but glad I did. 

The information posted here from real people who share their own experiences is valuable beyond words, really!

Today I am 39 years old.  I will be 40 in 6 weeks.  At my current rate of weight reduction I will be under 200lbs for the first time in my adult life on or before that birthday.  It is my goal to have surgery at 175lbs (sometime in late May/early June).  I have no doubt about this, I am down 40 already and the rest is a guarantee.  I am motivated equally by how good I feel with my current program, and by the stories of life on "the other side" of surgery.

I am having surgery.

So, here I am.  Feb 19th, 2008. 

My plan looks like this.

March 2nd thru 10th consults with plastic surgeons in NYC.
April 2nd, 40th B-day (200lbs)
June 1, Surgery (goal weight 175-185lbs)
June 2, Life

Because the diaries of so many of the other G sufferers have been inspiring and helpful, I will keep mine here.   I hope it helps answer someone else's questions as others have helped me.

I know my timeline is long, but I do want to lose as much as I can before I do this.  I want it to go as well as it can go.

I won't have much to post before my consult, maybe a little weight loss progress, but I will keep it up.

« Last Edit: April 01, 2008, 09:22:14 PM by Noseguard »

Offline Noseguard

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I hope my diary is helpful to anyone trying to lose weight before surgery.

I have lost another 4lbs since my last post (two weeks).  As I get closer to my goal weight, at least 185, the pounds are little tougher to shed.   This week I am making some diet changes and adding some more weight training to compensate for the changes.  Right now I am about 212.

I feel like every day has to be perfect to stay on track.  However I am trying to do it right, not starving myself and getting both cardio and weight training.  I have also been following th Abs diet to the letter. Kind of a gimmicky book the diet is nutritionally sound.

From what I have read here on this board as well as in response from one of the doctors it is best to lose the excess weight before surgery. That being said often, according to the surgeon, often the surgery provides an added boost and inspiration for weight loss and muscle gain.

Right now I remain pretty motivated to do it this way, by losing all of my excess weight first.

My dilemma is that I don't want to wait out or lose another summer.  I will be 40yrs old this summer and I have sat too many out.  Even if my recovery takes a year an improved chest for this summer is better than what I have now.

So....I guess my goal is keep losing until surgery, but have it done in mid May.  Maybe late July and August will be saved.

I had my first consult and two more coming this month.

Right now I'm thinking Dr. Jacobs is going to be my first choice though I have not met him yet.  Expensive, but I have the money and this is one thing I am not looking for a sale on.  Also, from what members on this board have said about him, as well as what I have seen on various news stories, he seems like a good choice.  I do want to make sure I see a few surgeons though to make the best decision possible.

Hope this is helpful to someone.  I know this board has been inspiring for me.

Offline Noseguard

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Many people who post here on this board seem to be further along than me.  They have discussions about post op swelling, garments, even revision surgery.  Most at least seem to at least have their surgery booked.  I am weeks maybe a couple months from surgery and have only had one consult yet getting my G fixed is VERY consuming.

Seems to be what takes up most of my brain time during the day.  Even if it is just concentrating on the weight loss to make the surgery go better, or just counting down the days to my next  consult (I have  two this coming week), I seem to involuntarily devote a lot of time to this.

That seems strange even to me, why now at 39 does it mean more to me than ever?  My G has been a big deal my whole life, but now for some reason it must go more than ever.


Anyway....My goal is to continue losing weight to maximize my surgery results.  After losing a lot already the weight is coming off a little slower now

I am now 209, down from 212 a couple weeks ago.  Started at 255.  I had a goal of 200 for my early April B-day, not sure that looks realistic, but I will get close.

This will be a big week.  I have two consults.  The timeline I have developed for myself is just that MY TIMELINE.  If the docs tell me to keep losing beyond my goals to have the best results, I may be pushing this back to July (hope not), or if the they say 10-15 more lbs wont make much of a difference, I could be pushing my timeline back into April, maybe even late this month, scary.

I will post an update this week after my consults.

Offline Noseguard

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Well I have done it.  I am booked for surgery.

Recap.  I am 39 years old, significant G and have been losing weight diligently for 4+ months to help better the surgery results (and just get healthy)

I am at 206 now down from a high of 255.

Ended up only having one consult last week and was very comfortable with the doc to book.  Mid April.  Because of my age, weight loss, and size of my boobs my result will probably be only a first step.  I will most likely need a second procedure to tighten my skin.  One good thing going for me is I have added some good muscle and should help with the results.

I figure at the least the results will make tighter shirts look better and I will feel better about myself.  I guess by the end of the year  I will know enough about my final outcome to determine if I need the second procedure to tighten my skin.  If I do I will have plenty of time before next summer to get that done.

My wife helped me to decide if I should have gotten it all done at one time.  By that I mean the skin and G removal along with nipple relocation.  She grounded me.  I am so eager she could see I wanted to just pay the price (literally and figuratively).  She said not to rush, I have worked hard to get in shape, and I have waited this long, take my time and one step at a time. She is right.

I thought I would be more excited when I made this post about booking my surgery.  Its a weird mix of nervousness, anticipation, and fear.

No turning back.  Hope to get to 199lbs for the operation.

I will post some before photos soon. That seems scary to me, but I will suck it up sometime in April.

Offline Noseguard

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You don't see many posts about the pre-surgery physical, but here is one.

I am nervous today about going to see the Dr.

I have been out of shape for years now and am just now feeling good about my health.  Today will be nerve racking waiting for the results and clearance to have the surgery.

Fasting now for the blood work, won't see the Dr. for three more hours.

This whole process is torture!!

I want these things gone in the worst way, but what the Dr. tells me today and then the procedure itself is driving me crazy with worry.

Can't wait to get it over with and start healing.

Offline gynebegone2

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Congrats on getting in shape and your preparation for surgery.  As far as the operation goes, you have nothing to worry about.  I think the actual procedure was the easiest part of the whole ordeal.  Its the pre-op obsession with your gynecomastia, and the post op obsession with how your results are evolving that can be torture.

Good luck!

Offline Noseguard

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I am all clear.

Had an EKG, blood tests, urine samples.....I am fine, surgery is going to happen.

Thanks for the feedback gynebegone, you are right I am certain.

At 39 years old I can not believe this thing is really going to be over soon.  I don't need to tell anyone who reads this board regularly what the burden of carrying these "no fun bags" around for more than a quarter century means.

My wife has been very understanding and supportive.  But one day last week I wanted her input about about which procedure to have and she was running out the door for work and really could not give me the time I wanted.  She said as she was scrambling to find her briefcase " I know this is important to you, but I just can't talk about it right now".  Sad to say I started to cry.  Yes I had girly tears to go with my girly boobs.  She was shocked.  While she had always been supportive, she really had no idea just how big of a weight it had been for me.   She put down her work stuff and we talked about my issue for about an hour, good wife. 

Not sure how she will explain to our children how daddy died due to complications during surgery to have his moobs cut off, haha.

Offline Noseguard

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I have two weeks and four days to surgery but who is counting?

Surgery must mean mean different things to different people.  I take it that many people on this board are kids, under 25.  Most of them don't have enough money to do this and they are at a time when people are in the prime social years of their lives.  The strange game of dating and trying to impress the opposite sex is front and center each day.  What a burden to  have G during this time. Having to deal with parents and friends can make a difficult situation worse.  Happy for you guys getting it done early,  best money you will ever spend.

I wish this board (and the internet for that matter) was around when I was 20, or 15, or 30.

Now at 39 all those memories of those times are coming back.

Scoliosis screanings in the nurses office.
Skins at basketball practice.
Summers at the beach.
Pool parties.
Showers after gym class.

Wow.....Things are better when you are older.  I still think of it everyday, by the pool, at the beach, but you get better at dealing with it.

The hardest thing now is the embarassment for my kids.  Having their freinds over to the pool in our yard is the toughest.  The only thing worse than getting teased yourself is haveing your kids teased because their dad has man melons.

No longer.  I have lost the weight I needed to lose.  I have saved the money I need to save.  I have researched the doctors. Learned about the procefures.

I will stand up in the low end of the pool this year this year and play with my kids!!!

Crazy the things you think of approaching surgery. 

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I will stand up in the low end of the pool this year this year and play with my kids!!!

This is a pic of my Grandson Niko and myself (41) summer 2005, shortly after my surgery... I'm not standing up in the shallow end, but it 'felt' awesome none-the-less.... ;)  Swimming was something I hadn't done in many, many years. At least not without a tshirt... :-\

Congrats to your upcoming surgery dude!

Looking forward to a pool pic of you and your kids... In the 'shallow' end of course!  ;)

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline Noseguard

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Thanks GB, love the pic.  Someday I will have one up on this site from my pool with my kids.

Two week countdown has begun.  Surgery is Tuesday the 15th.

I turned 40 this week.  No birthday has bothered me so far but this one has thrown me for a loop. It has had me reflecting quite a bit on the first half of my life.  Frankly it has been great.  Sadly spending too much of it overweight and with severe Gyne has been the sadest chapter.  Good wife, two great kids, good friends, sound career, I really can't complain.

Having this surgery now will kickoff the second half of my life in good fashion.

Must say though while I went into it sprinting with paletable anticipation, with each passing day I have gotten more and more nervous.  Mostly because of my kids.  They are young and while the risks are infinitesimal, still I can't help but worry.

My wife too.  We have talked about the procedure some, but not too much.  The other day she called me while travelling on a business trip and asked me "are you sure your about this?" "this is a pretty drastic step", "are you doing it for the right reasons?".

Boy talk about a conversation starter.  You all can imagine my responses, no need to type them here.  Just goes to show you unless you walk in these shoes it is difficult to really understand the pain.  She recalled how devastatingly nerve racking it was for us to wait while our first child had general anesthesia for tubes in his ears.  She is not looking forward to waiting for me to wake up.

 I share her concerns, but there is no turning back now ;D

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Awesome post my man....  BTW, Happy birthday dude!

You all can imagine my responses, no need to type them here.  Just goes to show you unless you walk in these shoes it is difficult to really understand the pain.

Agree 100%...


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Good luck man!  12 days until freedom

Offline Noseguard

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One week before surgery and I have nothing left.

I can not look at any more Youtube videos of the procedure.  I have searched into three years of history of posts on this board.  I have already got my meds.  If I read my docs pre surgery and post surgery instructions anymore I could risk damaging my retinas.  At this point I feel I am better qualified to actually perform the surgery than receive it.

I am really one week away.  Tuesday next week, the 15th of April 2008, thirty years of toting flesh melons around finally comes to an end.  Not sure quite what to do with myself.

Funny, I really never would stand in front of a mirror, even alone.  I always hated the way they looked so much it repulsed me to even look at myself.  Lately though I look all the time.  Almost everytime I am alone in the house or even just going for a piss I will shed my shirt and look in the mirror for a minute.  Not sure why exactly, it still looks gross, maybe because they have been part of me for so long I somehow need to remember them?  Not sure, just feels like something I should do.

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Dear Nosegaurd,
Congrat on your surgery.  Hopefully this is just the begging of your story, and the end I already know will be a very happy one.  You think you look in the mirror allot now just wait.  Oh yeah for some reason the surgery made my son taller,  he also smiles alot.  So there are many other benefits then realizing you have pecks.  Please continue to share your story with the many others out there that need support and encouragement. 

Offline Noseguard

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6 Days To Surgery

Think I will shave my chest tonight, no reason for it, just give me a different view in the mirror.


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