Author Topic: Surgery one month from today  (Read 2626 times)

Offline grathen321

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So ten years after this fat built up on my chest I will be having it removed at the price of £3000. This site is really what gave me the kick in the head I needed to sort this BS out and speak to a doctor, so thanks guys. Really I just want to go swimming without worrying that some kid is going to laugh at my breasts (which happened quite a bit as a teenager). It really is incredible that so many of us miss out on so many simple things because our bodies do not happen to conform to what it is that the dominant culture takes to be a normal male physique. Although I am not going to go on about how I have suffered etc because I know a lot of you have much worse cases and there are people out there with problems that go way beyond moobs. I have been lucky in that when I am in a shirt it is not obvious. I will post some before and after pics closer to the operation. The surgeon is Peter Patterson, anyone heard of him? He seems like a friendly to the point kind of a guy.

Offline mmaman

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Are you only getting fat taken from your chest or will he be excising mammary gland?

Offline grathen321

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Right I emailed the surgeon the question and he said this.
'We only excise tissue if it can’t be removed by liposuction.'
My major issue is my puffy nipples that he is going to sort of restructure and put a stitch inside to hold back, I do not have firm woman like mammary glands just puffy nipples with some fat underneath.

Offline grathen321

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Does that sound reasonable to you guys?

Offline donnieosmond

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Good luck with your surgery man. I'm having mine in about 3 weeks so we'll be pretty close.

Offline grathen321

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Thanks man, you taking some before and after pics?


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