Author Topic: 2 weeks post op with Dr. Benito  (Read 2327 times)

Offline another_case

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Hi all, not sure who saw my photos when I was 5 days post op but you can find them on an earlier thread by me if you're interested. My left side got a lot more swollen a few days after that so I sent photos to Dr. Benito who explained that I had developed a hematoma on the left side. Basically it's a very severe bruise that's caused by the wound bleeding inside and then a clot forms to protect the body. This stops the blood dispersing throughout the body as easily and being absorbed. It usually needs extra drainage, just using a syringe. Luckily I had an appointment already booked with Dr. Benito at his London office this Friday to have my stitches out and he said he'd syringe it then. Think there's about a 10% chance of a hematoma happening but the colour of it and the swelling was ridiculous!

Anyway, on last Sunday night after speaking to Dr. Benito the left side of my chest decided it didn't want to wait until this Friday to be drained so it decided to start draining itself! I took my compression vest off and my original drainage hole had opened up and had started bleeding, an hour later and 2 toilet rolls later it finally stopped. I had researched on the internet when I found out it was a hematoma and apparently this can sometimes happen as it is the body's natural way of trying to heal itself as the blood has nowhere else to go! Anyway, the next morning there was a big improvement but still some more left as when I took my bandage off it started again. This has now been happening each morning and night for the last couple of days and I am happy to say that today my left side is now the same size as my right side (which is relatively flat). The bruising is still there but it is such a relief that the swelling has now gone.

I hope to post my 2 weeks photos on Friday after I see Dr. Benito as he has my before photos. I'm only 2 weeks in but I already feel very confident that my results will ultimately be very good.

Offline outertrial

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Better out than in. Good you have good results.


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Must of been well scared with that p!ssing out your body!? I would have been ...

But yeah, theirs going to be many ups and downs, only when you reach like 3-4months post op will you feel near normal again, then months after that your just mentally adjusting yourself to your new chest. (that was the case with me anyway)

Good luck mate!


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