Author Topic: Had surgery, now it's itching!  (Read 4172 times)

Offline toronto

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had surgery yesterday (wednesday), doc taped some foam pads over the nips and tensor bandage wrapped around, follow up is next tuesday..was told that they will remove everythign than..but this itching is too much!

also i read that other people got blisters from having the stuff taped on there for so long...

what to do

Offline doddy

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  • 06/04/2005.
Tell me about it. The itching sucked. The time should go fairly quickly though. Good luck.

Offline hope1

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I got some weird blisters, but 2 weeks post op, they are gone, with ABSOLUTELY no scarring, so don worry about those. And as for the itch, just don't worry about it ;)

I know what you mean - I ended up taking the foam pad off about 4-5 days after the op.

Then it's going to look really good, but then a few days later the swelling is going to start, then start going down after the 2nd week.

Offline toronto

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did you get it done with Fielding? what did he say at your follow up when you took the pads off? did you wrap the tensor around after?

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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did you get it done with Fielding? what did he say at your follow up when you took the pads off? did you wrap the tensor around after?

Hey Dude...

Congrats on your surgery!  ;)

Took my tensor and pads off the 3rd day ( I think, or was it the 2nd... ) anyways... yeah, I took them off as I got very itchy as well  :o :o :o. JCF doesn't ream you out or anything, but he does make a note of it in your file. If you take the tensor off, make sure that you put it back on as the compression holds your chest flesh together. Ya gotta wear it for at least 2 weeks. A month is best.  ;)

I go for my 3 month follow up in 2 weeks....  The lump on my RHS areola is starting to go away :D and the incision scars are barely noticeable now!

Keep us up to date on your Post-Op progress....

Once again.... Congrast Dude!

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline shaggy-dude

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enjoy the itching... it's better than shooting nipple pains ...

My right nipple is one scab that looks like it could peel off  :-X

luckily I can't feel anything most of the time.. but when I can it's shooting agonising pains..

Still smiling th... love the "you look slimmer each time I see you comments" .. even though I've clapped some lard on over the last two weeks :D
sorted by the "levickmeister" april 14th 2005
pics here

Offline toronto

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Once again.... Congrast Dude!

Thanks bud, your pictures were motivation for me, also it made it alot easier knowing exactly what to expect every step of the way, i'd like to thank you for that.....

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Thanks bud, your pictures were motivation for me, also it made it alot easier knowing exactly what to expect every step of the way, i'd like to thank you for that.....


You are welcome! Thanks for your kind words.  ;)

It's good to hear that my pics helped you.

That is what this Site is all about.....Helping others with Gynecomastia and who have had gyne removal.



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