Author Topic: JUST HAD SURGERY!! some questions  (Read 3951 times)

Offline spacemen3bie

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so im a 17 year old kid, who has had gynecomastia for at least 4 years.
my life changed when i first got it, and didnt fully understand what was going on, until last year or so. i ran cross country and track during the time i had, and had to quit once the gyne got so bad. i was the best runner on the team, and could've gotten a scholorship easily, but thats the past, and all that matters now is that its gone!

i was so scared to ask my parents, and when i finally did, they said yes!!!
so i had my surgery this morning, and i feel fineee. way better then what i expected.

i was just wondering, how long i should wait before smoking marijuana??

Offline 9Wolf

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....... ?

 :D um... lol........... ok, that was good for the laugh of the day!

Congrats on the surgery. I don't know what to tell you about the rest, bro. I guess it would depend on what post-op meds you are taking (if any) and that sort of thing. I would imagine your question is more a matter of personal comfort with doing what you're doing right after surgery, I would guess you should have no problems with it. I would wait at least 4 weeks to be safe. But I'm no doctor...
Triple Surgery done in Chandigarh, India (Jan 10, 2008):
1. Gynecomastia Surgery (simultaneously with #2)
2. Tonsillectomy
3. Septoplasty (5 days after #1 and 2)

3 lifelong problems wiped out in a flash of knives... Now recovering and excited beyond belief. :)

Offline spacemen3bie

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so why did that make you laugh??

i just dont see the comedy in it, thanks though

Offline 9Wolf

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so why did that make you laugh??

i just dont see the comedy in it, thanks though

I wasn't laughing at you... I found comedy in the fact that I was expecting a medical type question about gynecomastia and then at the end you ask about when you can start smoking out again, just threw me off. But I'm not tripping about that at all, as you could see in the rest of my post because I really did give you an answer to that. :)

Offline JerzyJoe

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Follow these quick tips on when it is safe to continue your drug habits after surgery.

1. Marijuana - Immediate usage is permitted. Place a joint in your mouth during surgery and have the nurse give you a light in the recovery room.

2. Heroin -  A slow drip in your IV bag during surgery is permitted.

3. Cocaine - After surgery, rub a little on your nipples to ease any pain. Snorting (1) small line is permitted after 24hrs. Do not exceed snorting (4) small lines within any 24hr. period.

4. Beating your meat - DO NOT attempt to do so until 30 days post surgery.

 ;D :D ;) ::) :P

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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Marijuana is known to cause gynecomastia.  If you smoke after gyne surgery, there is a possibility it will encourage re-growth of the gyne.  So you would be taking a chance.  I don't recommend it.

Elliot Jacobs, MD, FACS
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline spacemen3bie

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thanks everyone!!

jerzyjoe's answer was the best though



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