Author Topic: Does he have it?  (Read 10827 times)

Offline pmcrhlt

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I have a bf who feels that he may have gyno.  To be honest with you, I am not sure whether he just has gyno or puffy nipples (or even whether puffy nipples alone qualifies as gyno or not).  My cellphone camera is not working so I cannot actually post pictures of him.  I found a picture of a man on the internet who is similar to him in body build (thin and tall) and who's chest/nipple area looks just like his.  Would you consider the man in the below pictures to have gynecomastia, something else or nothing at all? 

The guy on the left.

Offline rockin813

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hey that's me!!!

kidding. he looks fine. no gyne in my opinion. im not a gyne expert though.
We're all made up different...but can learn from one another...

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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To be honest with you, I am not sure whether he just has gyno or puffy nipples (or even whether puffy nipples alone qualifies as gyno or not).

Gyne (womanlike) and Mastos (breast)

Gynecomastia by definition, is 'Excessive development of breast tissue in men'. Would you consider 'Puffy' areolas as to be 'Excessive' breast development? Personally, I wouldn't say that it (Puffy areola) is excessive, or even womanlike. Many,  women do not have puffy areolas! So who's to say that puffy areolas is a womanlike trait? See, the 'ideal' for most guys, is the flat, dime sized areola that many men have.

Many men/young teens would say that puffy areolas does qualify as Gynecomastia. As in their mind, this is not how a males chest 'should' look...  Ah, we arrive back to the 'ideal'! It really doesn't matter if it 'qualifies' as Gynecomastia, what's most important here is how the sufferer 'feels' about his condition. We should all feel comfortable in our own skin. If not, then we should seek medical help.

Does your bf feel embarrassed about his puffy areolas? How do you feel about his condition?

Yes, the men in the pics appear to have puffy areolas.

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
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Offline headheldhigh01

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i have no question that puffies are gyne, in that they are an abnormal development of the tissue.  and yes he does look like he's got a mild case. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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i have no question that puffies are gyne, in that they are an abnormal development of the tissue.


Answer me this...  What 'is' normal my man?

If ones body strays away from the 'Ideal' that one has for themself, does that constitute 'abnormalicy'? We are all different. A short person may see a tall person as being 'normal'. Is that short person 'abnormal'? No. Just different....


Offline headheldhigh01

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i have no question that puffies are gyne, in that they are an abnormal development of the tissue.


Answer me this...  What 'is' normal my man?


it's very easy actually. 

i have gyne. 

gyne does not "normally" develop in men.  it is an aberration from the statistical development pattern nature has set out in which women have developed breast tissue and guys do not. 

my classmates in high school had no difficulty observing this was not normal.  people dod not call attention to norms but to abnormality.  were i there again knowing what i do now i would have had a much easier time.  but that makes no difference to the fact i am not at peace with the abnormality that destroyed most of my life, through both external and internal means.  so anyone wants to accept theirs, as i've said dozens of times, good for them, but i choose differently.  with them though it's not the normality that's actually in question, just the values they choose to associate or not associate on the norm itself. 

if you have difficulty identifying abnormal tissue as opposed to normal tissue, however, your average md could probably help you out ;) 

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I find it odd then, that the dictionary defines Gynecomastia as: 'Excessive breast tissue' in men and not 'Abnormal breast tissue' in men....  ???

If a guy had 'some' breast tissue, but not 'excessive', does that mean he doesn't have Gynecomastia?

Abnormal: Deviating from the norm or average...

But what is the norm for gyne? You know how we can hide it 'at all costs'.... there are no definitive statistics on 'how many' men have permanent Gynecomastia. For all we know, more men than not have it! So, if that were the case, and keeping in mind.... Abnormal: Deviating from the normal or average..., maybe the guys 'without' gynecomastia, you know the ones.... the guys who have those much sought after 'flat', 'dime-sized' areolas, are the ones who are infact, abnormal....  ;)

Insurance companies will tell you that Gynecomastia is so common that it is well within the definition of "Normal".

We are what we are
.... it is the rest of society (our peers/the media) that make us self-conscious about ourselves by way of cruel ridicule. Take for example a fat person... who's to say that person shouldn't be that way? But.... todays society pressures the heavy person, by means of shame/ridicule to get thin/thiner. Did you know, that many moons ago, being 'fat' was a sign of 'wealth', and being 'thin' was a sign of 'poverty'.

If you think about it, it's not the gynecomastia that we don't like, but infact, it's the cruelty that gets thrust upon us as a result of it....  Correct me if I am wrong here...

Anyways, I'll shut-up now... ;)

Thanks for listening to me ramble...


Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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Yes, he does have a small amount of excess breast tissue.

If you were to study anatomy, every single male has some breast tissue directly under the nipple/areola.  There is no fat directly under the areolar skin!  Below the breast tissue, there may be fat, or in a very slender person, virtually nothing at all.  This is the "normal" condition, in which the nipple lies flat and continuous with the surrounding skin.

Anytime the nipple/areola projects above the level of the surrounding skin, one can assume it is excess breast tissue.

Elliot Jacobs, MD, FACS
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
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Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline Gcp

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He looks great.

Offline PhillyPUFF

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Yes, he does have a small amount of excess breast tissue.


Offline sammi

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This man, if he has gyno, looks fine to me.  I think he has a chest that alot of men would want.  My son had a dd chest at the age of 10, and after 4 hours of surgery, we will soon see a difference.


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