I find it odd then, that the dictionary
defines Gynecomastia as: '
Excessive breast tissue' in men and not '
Abnormal breast tissue' in men....

If a guy had 'some' breast tissue, but not 'excessive', does that mean he doesn't have Gynecomastia?
Abnormal: Deviating from the norm or average...
But what is the
norm for gyne? You know how we can hide it '
at all costs'.... there are no
definitive statistics on 'how many' men have permanent Gynecomastia. For all we know,
more men than
not have it! So, if that were the case, and keeping in mind....
Abnormal: Deviating from the normal or average..., maybe the guys 'without' gynecomastia, you know the ones.... the guys who have those
much sought after 'flat', 'dime-sized' areolas, are the
ones who are infact,

Insurance companies will tell you that Gynecomastia is so common that it is well within the definition of "Normal".
We are what we are.... it is the rest of society (our peers/the media) that make us self-conscious about ourselves by way of cruel ridicule. Take for example a fat person... who's to say that person shouldn't be that way? But.... todays society pressures the heavy person, by means of shame/ridicule to get thin/thiner. Did you know, that many moons ago, being 'fat' was a sign of 'wealth', and being 'thin' was a sign of 'poverty'.
If you think about it, it's not the gynecomastia that we don't like, but infact, it's the cruelty that gets thrust upon us as a result of it.... Correct me if I am wrong here...
Anyways, I'll shut-up now...

Thanks for listening to me ramble...