Author Topic: ModFive's experience log  (Read 3003 times)

Offline ModFive

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I wanted to start an experience log here because I am finally starting to do something about having gyne after 11 or so years of having it.  ( I am 24 ).  Maybe the information can be helpful, or interesting to someone.

Anyways, I have a busy, busy, busy next week!

I have an appointment with an Endocrinologist from the University of Washington on Monday.

I have an appointment with Dr. Jana Cole ( Gyne P.S. ) from the University of Washington on Tuesday.

I fly out to D.C. this weekend, and will rent a car and drive to Richmond, Virginia to meet with the esteemed Dr. Bermant ( Gyne P.S. ) next Monday.

I am pretty excited about all of this.  It seems that if you are talking to a good P.S. that they all have a month wait or longer!  It's nice for that to be over.  I will provide updates on how all my doctors were.

I am a pretty big guy, and weigh around 255 or so.  One year ago, I used to weight 290! I dropped down to 240 trying to lose the gyno, but instead it became more pronounced.  This has been rather depressing, and one of the reasons why I have gained 15 or so pounds back.  It really sucks to spend a lot of time on your body and see no results.  I will get some pics of myself on this log fairly soon.

I know that it might be beneficial for me to lose weight before my surgery.  Perhaps I will wait up to 2 months to lose 25 lbs or something.  This might sound quick, but I gained that 15 lbs back in less time than that.  I will wait to hear what the surgeons say, and I will post some pics here.  Anyways.... I will update this guy soon!

Offline STILLgotIT

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I'd cut and paste this into "User Diaries" section  ;)

Offline boobhater22

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I'd think you should lose more weight before you have the surgery, but if your P.S. does not think it is necesary, then go ahead with it. But I would...just as a point of honor.

Offline ModFive

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Honestly, at 215 or 220, I have a very low body fat ratio.  Losing 30 lbs should be more than adequate.  I am just a pretty big guy!

Offline ModFive

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So... I just visited the endocrinology clinic at the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle, Wa.

My doctors were:

Savitha Subramanian, M.D.
Senior Fellow
Department of Medicine
Division of Metabolism, Endocrinology and Nutrition


Peter Capell, M.D
Medical Director
Department of Medicine
Division of Metabolism, Endocrinology and Nutrition

These people were unbelievable.  I would have no need to ever see another set of endocrine specialists.  These guys were obviously very skilled, as well as caring and informative.  I didn't feel very uncomfortable at all, which of course, is surprising given the condition.  

As well as doing endocrine testing, and a lot of questions about my history, they did a full exam.  They checked the size of my testicles, my level of hair growth... etc.  I am pretty sure they were checking for Hypogonadism or high estrogen, low testosterone through general physical traits that result from those conditions.

Also, during the exam they verified that my gynecomastia existed and was composed to a high level of tissue and not just fat.  They commented on their ruling out of a number of possible known conditions that cause gynecomastia. However, they were totally cooperative in me getting a full range of tests done "just in case".

Also, perhaps of interest to people is their comment that gynecomastia removal is not just a cosmetic concern.  Apparently 1% of males with gynecomastia get breast cancer.  Removing the breast tissue helps prevent this possibility.  This is perhaps something you can use to bolster your insurance claim.  You can even scour the net for papers that help solidify this argument.  Anything helps!  

Anyways, that was my experience so far.  Looks like I am most likely ok (95%) according to them.  But we are waiting for the results of the tests to be sure.  I will probably post them here afterwards.  Either way, they are recommended.

Today: Dr. Jana Cole of the University of Washington Medical Center Surgery Specialties Clinic.  She primarily focuses on breast reconstruction, but has done a number of gynecomastia surgeries.  Including Seattle0000's!  I will let people know what I thought about her.  


Offline ModFive

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Well, I had my visit at the surgery specialties clinic at the University of Washington.  That was fun. Whee.  It was a little dissapointing after my really positive experience at the endocrine clinic.

The doctors at the UWMC surgery center were nice.  I especially liked the main doc I saw, Jana Cole.

However, I think it is possible that my two doctors misdiagnosed me today, which is mildly disturbing.  In the last few weeks, I have a number of docs check me for gynecomastia.  This includes a couple of endocrinologists, including the head of endocrinology at UWMC ( who knows a lot about gyne ), and a general practice doc.

All of these doctors commented on the makeup of my gynecomastia being a high level of tissue vs. fat.  Since it is a learning school, they even brought someone in to do the breast exam to show her how to discern breast tissue from fat tissue.

The doctors today told me that they thought most of my breast growth was fat and not breast tissue.  That really blew my mind.  To me, it's pretty obvious to discern fat tissue from breast tissue.  I was completely baffled.

The end result is that I think I am a bit overweight, and I think that can sometimes hinder even a good doctor from properly identifying between breast tissue and fat tissue on my body.  Although, I think perhaps a gyne specialist would have been able to discern that better.

The end result will be that I diet for approximately 3-3.5 months before I get the surgery.  I will drop down to approximately 220 lbs, and then get the surgery. Thats about 12-15lbs a month which is pretty easy for me to do.  At that weight, I am in pretty farking good shape.

Hopefully then, the docs will more aptly be able to discern breast tissue from fat then.

Wanna know what my motivation will be for the next 3-4 months every time I hit the gym?  That guy doc who stared at me straight faced and said - yeah, I just dont think you have any breast tissue in there!  Unbelievable.  I weighed 190 at 1 point in my life and had the same breasts as I do now.  

Well, next week I see bermant, and then start working out!  Everyone has been telling me it is best to work out and get in shape *before* the surgery anyways.  I guess I will do that.  Later guys!

Offline jc71

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Don't have any good PS's in Seattle?  Great job visiting the endo's that's always a smart move, regardless of age.

Offline JTZ

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Hey ModFive, sorry to hear about the different information you got at your visit. Basically, if the tissue is lumpy, and indurated (firm) it's mostly gland. If it is smooth, soft, and mushy it's mosly fat. You may have a combination of the two. Dr. Bermant will give you a straight answer though.  8)

Some questions:

1.) How much did your endo evaluation cost? That sucks when they have to mess with your testes.  :-/

2.) Did you ever have a consult with Marosan in Bellevue? He is experienced,....and busy. I had to wait about 2 months before I could get an appt. for a consult.

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Offline Spleen

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The doctors today told me that they thought most of my breast growth was fat and not breast tissue.  That really blew my mind.  To me, it's pretty obvious to discern fat tissue from breast tissue.  I was completely baffled.

It's way less precise than you think.  I just had surgery 3 days ago and my right breast which was the "bad" one had almost no gland while the left had considerably more.  The right side ended up being mostly fat. Go figure.  What's not important is what makes up the boob as much as a) do you have a boob and b) can you get rid of it.

Good Luck.

Offline ModFive

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Interesting.  Well anyways, today I am chilling at the Farfield Inn in Chester, VA and I have a appt with Dr. Bermant tomorrow morning.  It will be interesting to meet the man and get his diagnosis.  Will folow this up with a summary after I see him.


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