Author Topic: My test results are in.  (Read 6191 times)

Offline nukem2k5

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Test Code   Description   Result   Range   Units

012047  A/G Ratio    1.6   1.1-2.5    
001081  Albumin, Serum  4.5  3.5-5.5  g/dL
001107  Alkaline Phosphatase, Serum  63  60-400  IU/L
001545  ALT (SGPT)  17  0-40  IU/L
001123  AST (SGOT)  19  0-40  IU/L
015941  Baso (Absolute)  0.0  0.0-0.2  x10E3/uL
015156  Basos  0  0-3  %
001099  Bilirubin, Total  0.9  0.1-1.2  mg/dL
001040  BUN  12  5-26  mg/dL
011577  BUN/Creatinine Ratio  13  8-27  
001016  Calcium, Serum  10.4  8.5-10.6  mg/dL
001578  Carbon Dioxide, Total  21  20-32  mmol/L
001206  Chloride, Serum  103  96-109  mmol/L
001065  Cholesterol, Total  150  100-169  mg/dL
001370  Creatinine, Serum  0.9  0.5-1.5  mg/dL
015149  Eos  2  0-7  %
015933  Eos (Absolute)  0.2  0.0-0.4  x10E3/uL
004549  Estrogens, Total  94   pg/mL
144981  Free Testosterone(Direct)  13.0  Not Estab.  pg/mL
001164  Free Thyroxine Index  2.3  1.2-4.9  
001958  GGT  19  0-65  IU/L
012039  Globulin, Total  2.9  1.5-4.5  g/dL
001032  Glucose, Serum  90  65-99  mg/dL
011817  HDL Cholesterol  39  40-59  mg/dL
005058  Hematocrit  45.9  36.0-50.0  %
015180  Hematology Comments:    
005041  Hemoglobin  15.3  12.5-17.0  g/dL
001339  Iron, Serum  69  40-155  ug/dL
001115  LDH  158  100-250  IU/L
012054  LDL Cholesterol Calc  97  0-99  mg/dL
015123  Lymphs  15  14-46  %
015917  Lymphs (Absolute)  1.2  0.7-4.5  x10E3/uL
015073  MCH  29.6  27.0-34.0  pg
015081  MCHC  33.4  32.0-36.0  g/dL
015065  MCV  89  80-98  fL
015131  Monocytes  7  4-13  %
015925  Monocytes(Absolute)  0.6  0.1-1.0  x10E3/uL
015107  Neutrophils  76  40-74  %
015909  Neutrophils (Absolute)  6.3  1.8-7.8  x10E3/uL
001024  Phosphorus, Serum  3.3  2.5-5.6  mg/dL
015172  Platelets  208  140-415  x10E3/uL
001180  Potassium, Serum  4.5  3.5-5.5  mmol/L
001073  Protein, Total, Serum  7.4  6.0-8.5  g/dL
105007  RDW  13.6  11.7-15.0  %
005033  Red Blood Cell (RBC) Count  5.18  4.10-5.60  x10E6/uL
001198  Sodium, Serum  141  135-148  mmol/L
100065  T. Chol/HDL Ratio  3.8  0.0-5.0  ratio units
001156  T3 Uptake  30  24-38  %
004227  Testosterone, Serum  302  241-827  ng/dL
001149  Thyroxine (T4)  7.5  4.5-12.0  ug/dL
001172  Triglycerides  71  0-149  mg/dL
004259  TSH  1.332  0.370-6.000  uIU/mL
001057  Uric Acid, Serum  5.8  2.4-8.2  mg/dL
005025  White Blood Cell (WBC) Count  8.3  4.0-10.5  x10E3/uL

Note that both my HDL Cholesterol and Neutrophils are below and above the range listed, respectively.

I would appreciate any info that anybody can give me.  I'm going to schedule an appointment with an endo to have these results better analyzed, but was curious as to what you guys think.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2005, 10:54:56 AM by nukem2k5 »
Reborn on May 24, 2005
Surgery Cost: $4,040
Dr. David Metzner - New Orleans, LA
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Two Years Post-Op Photos


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Did the give a range for the estrogen?  My lab has a max of 54 for men.  My levels go way high in the 80s & 90s.  The testosterone is good for a 75 year old male.

You might consider donating some blood to the Red Cross, your Hematocrit & Red Blood cell is getting in the high end range.  If the RBC gets over range you will get thick blood & it causes poor circulation so your brain & muscles do not get enough oxygen.  That is a sometimes a side effect if he puts you on HRT

Your endo will explain the level if you ask.  Be sure to ask what they are & what they mean.

Good luck

Offline tnel00son

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what Gine2D said

Offline nukem2k5

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No range given for estrogen D:  I'll be calling the endo today to make an appointment.

Should I donate in order to lose some blood and let some out, or because that's something that would help other people?
« Last Edit: May 02, 2005, 02:55:42 AM by nukem2k5 »


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