Author Topic: Help with finding a surgeon  (Read 4915 times)

Offline JimmyG

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Hey Guys,

Basically iv had gyno since i was about 14 and im now 19, when i was 16 i went to the doctor who referred me to hospital to have an ultrasound and doc checked me out as well and said it should go in a year... it hasnt gone, and i know it wont go without surgery. Also i am very athletic and have got into cardio and weight training for 2 yrears to try and reduce my gyno but hasnt worked to the extent i want, i also have low BF. Can anyone point me in the right direction of a good surgeon in the UK as i dont want to travel abroad for the Op. I have £3500 to £4500 to spend and am really eager to have the Op done before the summer

All help appreciated,

Thanks for taking the time to read


irish lad

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i reckon karidis is your best option in the uk lots of people had great experiences with him.. but he is very expensive.. if you do decide to go abroad id reckon benito thats who i more than likely will be getting it done by a lot of people have got great results from him he does his consultations in london.. he is a lot cheaper too.. im also 19 and low body fat chec out my pics to see if your chest is similar to mine iv a glandular problem iv consultation 25th april with beinito.. thats the link for my pics.. cheers

Offline kingboob

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As far as I know there are three 'names' on this forum, Levick, Karidis and Benito.    Benito consults in London but does the ops in Spain I believe, so he is probably off your radar.

Surgery is probably going to cost you £4.5k all in (IE, consult(s), compression vests, travel + aftercare), so take your time and pick wisely.

It mighht also be worth speaking to your GP and seeing if any NHS help is likely, although you wont get it done before summer...... however if you want to go private your GP may still be able to recommend a good local private hospital/consultant.

Personally I went with Levick & the BMI hospital in Birmingham.  I couldn't recommend strongly enough.... I am very pleased with my results so far.  My main reason for picking him was: 1) As soon as I met the guy I liked & trusted him / wanted him to do the surgery, 2) The Priory is probably the best hospital local to me, like you I didn't fancy traveling much, but to me anything over 40miles is a long journey! lol

Get at least 2 consults though, £75 to £120 for a good chat and having the chance to get a feel for the surgeon is NOTHING when compared to the 4k the actual operation costs.

Whatever surgeon / hospital you go with I recommend you find out what revisions cost...... because as this website/forum shows a lot of people seek revisions or 'touch ups', and it starts to get really expensive if this isn't included in your original package.

Expect to need 6 weeks to be back to full fitness (IE: gym), but most people seem to be ok to go about normal daily tasks after 7-10 days.

finally...   I found Multi-vitamins, Arnica pills and gel, crappy DVDs / Sky TV  along with a good supply of Paramol / Nurofen plus post op essentials!

Pre-op nerves are probably the worse bit, but if you want to get it done before summer you better get a move on, as most places have a waiting list.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2008, 03:12:53 PM by kingboob »

Offline JimmyG

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thanks for the replys guys.

Kingboob, i want to book a consultation with Dr Levick and have a chat with him. Do you have a phone number for him at all?

Offline kingboob

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thanks for the replys guys.

Kingboob, i want to book a consultation with Dr Levick and have a chat with him. Do you have a phone number for him at all?

    The Priory Hosptial
Address:    Priory Road
West Midlands
Post code:    B5 7UG
Telephone:    01527 577675
Fax:    01527 577675

Copied straight from the BMI website lol, whoever you get to do the surgeory I can strongly recommend BMI hospital, I found the priory staff amazing....   

Sky tv in the rooms too.... dunno if all private hospitals are like that?

Offline JimmyG

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thanks, so i just call up and ask for a appointment with Dr Levick?

Offline Blue2

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I would also seriously consider a consultation with Karidis. I went with him and so far have been very impressed with my results, although I am only 2 weeks post op. Total cost including bloods etc. was £4225.00. Obviously you have travel costs and possibly an overnight stay to consider but you will be just about in with your £4500 budget.

His website is

You will find all the contact details on there.
Surgery: 18/03/08
Plastic surgeon: Alex Karidis
Location: London, UK

Offline Jim1985

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Dr. Benito comes to London every couple of weeks for a free consultation. It'd be worth going to see him if you can get down to London. I had surgery with him and am really happy with the results so far (10 day post op)
Surgery 2nd April with Dr. Benito.


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