I would say my surgeon was probably the same. he didnt do these ops each and every day, but he still knew what he was doing. I was dealt with by the plastics and burns department, noone in there at the time was having the same op as me, yet even all the nurses seemed to know all about the condition and knew what they were looking at and knew all about my post op care. I have had every faith in the nhs all the way through from consultation to today.
Did the surgeon give you the impression of experience, or did he seem to be unsure during the consultation? Did he discuss excision or did he tell you it would be lipo only again?
If you read up, theres a lot of people who are unhappy with levick, it seems hes gone the other way nd its more of a production line conveyor belt at his place and hes actually taking less time over his patients. Of course, im only speaking of other people experience, i havent actually met him, and there are just as many, or more people saying he did a fantastic job.
so i would say, its going to come down to what your surgeon said, and how confident you feel in him/her.