Author Topic: Me and Gyno. Opinions please  (Read 3377 times)

Offline BOBO81

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Im 24 and have always suffered from puffy looking nipples with small hard lumps underneath them since my early teens.

I also have some fatty tissue around my nips too.

I never thought anything of it until i went on a college trip to malta one year and had my top off and the class idiots said i had man boobs.

When im hot my nipples go more puffy and look worse but in my pics it was a cold stay so they stayed small but you can still see what i believe is a gyno problem.

opinions appreciated, how bad is it? should i seek medical attention? Im kind of use to it now.

photo link

Offline Spleen

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I don't see puffy nips.  Coulda been the temp.  Seems kinda borderline.  You pec shape looks pretty normal, but I could see how maybe there's some breast tissue in there.  If you've been doing fine up until this point I wouldn't let the offhand comment of one person get you over-thinking.  

Offline ensiferum

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Looks as if you have a really mild case. If I were you however, I would just workout and not think twice about it.
Surgery on 11th of May. *gulp*


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