Author Topic: This is unbelievable!!!!!!!  (Read 1613 times)

Offline sammysixx

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This is UNBELIEVABLE !!!! Hi everybody ! Has anyone of you had this kind of experiences with their cases: - I went to see a doctor about year ago. He said that I have gynecomastia tissue and it will be taken care of. (We have that kind of operations for free in my homeland) - Next I went to a young plastic surgeon and he also said that I have gynecomastia tissue and put me on the "waiting line" for operation. - Then I went to ultra sound (?) tests and the doctor said that there is very little tissue, mostly large breast muscles. - I asked the plastic surgeon that how this is possible. He said that "the tissue doesn`t necessarely show on the ultra-machine and don`t worry your operation will be done if you want it"Of course I want it beacuse as you can see on the attachments I have very large breasts. - Next I was scared shitless waiting to get to the operation. Some other plastic surgeon drawed cutting lines under my nipples but said to me that he wants to ask other plastic surgeons opinions before the operation. Here I was waiting (And the nurses + anaesthesia was ready to go)Then very experienced older plastic surgeon came to see me. He checked my breasts very carefully and said that if I get the operation it wouldn`t help me at all. He said that the amount of tissue was so minimal. (Size of a blueberry he said) that there is no need for an operation. He said that they`ll do it if I want but he was sure that I don`t like the result at all.He succested that they`ll do only liposuction some other time. He was sure that it`s the only way to treat me. He also said that it may not give the results that I`m looking for, but better results than "useless tissue removal" So I went home...Now I`m waiting for the liposuction...(Might take a few more months)I think that this is very strange. How can so many doctors think differently?As you can see on these photos. I have very large breasts. I know that they are mostly muscles but the size really bothers me. I always have to wear XXL shirts because my manboobs.This is really frustrating for me...Please tell me what do you think? If gland removal wouldn`t help me at all will liposuction do any differently? 

(Sorry. The attachments didn`t work. I`ll try to post the photos later)

Offline sammysixx

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Offline KryptoKnight

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Wow Indeed because my situation seems to be exactly the same as yours.... I'm not really sure how to react to this since I also have thought about it in the past.

I'm going to my doc tomorrow for my follow up (yes I Had surgery, excision only) to see what he says about it.

I forgot to mention a very huge thing that I seemed to forget.  About 3 years ago when I wasn't lifting what so ever I never had this large chest; puffy nipple yes, but no large chest.  I was actually able to wear white t-shirts no problem.  As soon as I started lifting they just "popped" in a sense and developed MUCH faster than the rest of my body.  Kind of sucks but what can ya do... I guess this would clear up my concerns about my chest being too fatty or something.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2008, 09:29:34 PM by KryptoKnight »


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