Author Topic: marijuana -- read this  (Read 3225 times)

Offline elcrep

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im not sure how accurate all this is, im very confused.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Almost every list of potential causes of gynecomastia includes marijuana use. Just how valid this proves to be is anyones guess.

The truth is that the government will not release any marijuana for legitimate research. Of the hundreds of compounds that can be extracted or produced from marijuana, only one is available through legal pharmaceutical channels.

The only known benefit of marijuana is to people who use it to combat some of the side effects of chemotherapy for cancer.

With that one exception, it is thought to be a purely recreational drug of abuse.

In the past, claims about the drug were often exagerations and sometimes outright lies. This history makes it difficult for some people to accept the fact that for most of us the drug has no true value.
Grandpa Dan

Offline moobius

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i beg to differ... medical marijuanna is used for many things: to stimulate appetite (usually in cancer patients), relieve chronic pain, treat asthma and migraines, depression, anxiety, etc, etc.

to those who claim it has no value to them: why should that prevent anyone else who DOES see value in it from using it?

"Marijuana is the safest therapeutically active substance known to man... safer than many foods we commonly consume." -- DEA Judge Francis L. Young, Sept. 6, 1988

Offline Paa_Paw

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Like I said, the anti-Marijuana people were guilty of greatly exagerating the effects of it. Those who favor its use are now using the same tactic.

The irony is that you can find a liar somewhere who will support almost any claim to the value or evils of marijuana.

With this abundance of bad information and almost no objective research, it is a product best left alone.

Offline elcrep

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everyones out to push their own views i know. ive decided not to touch marijuana for a long time, possibly never.

Offline merle

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Except in very very rare cases, pot does not cause gynecomastia. I have said it over and over on this forum. It was added to the long list of why boys should not smoke and it has become part of medical mythology.

Personally I am not in favor of pot for many other reasons, especially long term daily usage. But breasts it does not cause.

Demystifying Gynecomastia: Men with Breasts
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Offline iamenfuego

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ill admit it, im a heavy user.  marijuana does not cause gyne.  i developed gyne in about 5th-6th grade started heavily smoking around my sophmore year in HS.  ive had no change in it or anything.  my whole town consist of potheads literally lol and i havent seen gyne on anyone or atleast very noticeable gyne.


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